------Code Red "Evac"... It's back, and this time it's personal!------ ~Download~~Map~ ~Gametype~ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UqWpq9rnjIg----If you played the first “Code Red Evac” then you should have a slight idea of the method by which gameplay operates on this map. When playing on defense, your objective is to escort your VIP out of the initial structure and into the streets Shown in A-1, where a territory is positioned directly below two attacking sniper towers shown in A-2, once you capture the territory you will enter a minute structure with several dilapidated pillars that provide cover for your foes shown in A-3, make sure to keep track of how many people you kill as a squad, as your opponents will not respawn after dying in the first region. -----Stage two begins with the goal of scaling and clearing a hillside shown in B-1 which is protected by sniper and machine gun fire. -----Once the second territory has been captured, the objective shifts as you will have to jump down into a room with a warthog, a mongoose, and an added sniper to prepare for a final run shown in C-1 to the back of a drop ship shown in C-3, Your opponents will be spawning on top of the drop ship with two turrets and a sniper, a daunting task indeed. -----C-2 is an alternate route which allows the attackers to get back to stage 2; this can be useful and must be opened through a fusion coil trigger system. A-1 A-2 A-3 B-1 C-1 C-2 C-3 Code: [B] [U][CENTER]Traits[/CENTER] [/U][CENTER] [/CENTER] [/B][CENTER] [B]Attackers [/B] Damage Resistance = normal Damage modifier = 90% Recharge Rate = 90% Weapons = Smg/Battle Rifle/Frag Grenades [B]VIP Team[/B] Damage Resistance = 110% Damage Modifier = 90% Recharge Rate = 50% Weapons = Smg/Battle Rifle/Frag Grenades [B]VIP[/B] Damage Resistance = 200% Damage Modifier = 125% Recharge Rate = 50% Weapons = Smg/None/Frag Grenades [B] Weapons on Map[/B] 8 Snipers Attackers/Defenders 8 Shotguns Attackers/Defenders 2 Turrets Defenders/Stage 2 2 Turrets Defenders/Stage 3 Recommended party size is 6-12 people. [/CENTER] Gametype for Code Red VII is virtually a must, but will work with VI, however you need one or the other. Code Red VII is much harder than the first one; attackers have more ammo, more snipers, more cover, and more lives. The spawn system has been revamped so that it is virtually flawless. Please feel free to comment both here and at bungie, and I hope you enjoy, thx...
why do you have a reciever node on a dumpster? allot of the rooms are kind of empty with movable objects (or dumpsters) in them. its a pretty cool map though. i realize the rooms are open because of a vehicle.
The one thing I can say about this map is that it's very...different, which is nice to see lately. Looks like good gameplay from this map, and I can respect that. 4.5/5
Nice work I remember trying to escort the vip through the course I liked how you have to escort him to his chopper at the very end.
Well, the interlocking on this map is clear and looks like it took some time. The map itself looks to be very fun and urban-style. It reminds me a bit of headlong too. I'm gonna download and see how it is, but looks like a solid map so far.
They are just there for decoration, they are made to kind of look like armored cars, or some type of military blockade. Making it to the end is a daunting task, in the first one it wasn't that hard, however this one gives the attackers a lot more fire power, better positioning, and four lives instead of three. If you know you can't make it to the next area make sure your VIP falls back so your oppenents can't gain 10 points for killing your VIP.
I really liked the first one, i love getting the vip to the chopper, it gets very fun and intense, i shall download and play this one as well, great job.
i really love how this gives a "campaign mission" sort of feel to it. the gameplay was so epic on the last one. i will definitely DL this and play it soon. Great work man.
Yeah, you were pretty much the star of the video, except for that time I owned you and orangeremi at the very end. lolz...
in the A-1 picture it looks escapable, off to the left where the pipes are, or maybe you ment to leave that open, in which case sorry, uh this maps looks reall chock full of interesting stuff, i might check this out.
That is correct, it is open to provide an alternate route for the vip or his team to escape from the house, it's used quite often in the video, thx.
They are there to look like armored cars, or some type of military blockade. In version one it was a helicopter so I just figured that I would mix it up a little.
I believe this is your favorite map Chron. Every time you get hold of host this is the map you want to play on. I have no problem with it it is a really well laid out map and it is very strategic and intense. I will be on in a little bit to play with you buddy.