Code Red v2

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Tex, Sep 24, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

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  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Code Red v2
    Created by Running Chron

    Gametypes Supported: Evac v2
    Recommended Players:

    A classic, long forgotten, & original map here on the front page to bring life anew to the world of forge. This map is another one of those that will inspire, and bring the idea of a map built around a gametype, that of which, both work perfectly together. Now, this may not be up to the standard of today's forging society...where everything has to be perfectly interlocked, but the gameplay does more then make up for that.

    You will often find yourself in the middle of this game, with a realization of the intensity that surrounds you. You must protect your VIP, and without a doubt, get to each territory. In the start of your venture, you find you & your team are facing a set of sniper towers. Work together to make way past there, and you'll find a defense "beyond the streets," as it were, with a second checkpoint. After you've made your way atop there, you are on your way to the final checkpoint down the final run, at the end of the drop ship. Use the mongoose or the warthog, but primarily, use teamwork.

    As this map is very complex, it is highly recommended that you read the walkthrough in the original thread or watch the video (below).

    #1 Tex, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2008
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    really? this is featured?

    wasnt expecting it, no offense, but just it didnt appeal from the pix, nor the must have crazy gameplay though, because seriously, i didnt see it coming at all

    congrats on the feature runningchron!!!
  3. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    This looks pretty epic man deserving of a feature i love the picture on the first page with like the terrace thing made out of wall doubles great looking map.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Try it before you knock it...
    KB likes this.
  5. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    just cause it doesnt have asthetics doesnt mean it wont get featured.looks great im excited to test it now it sounds like such a blast ima dl and see if i like. The map isnt a beauty but it`ll play like a beast no doubt. finally a new featured map.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    No u.

    Anyways, the map looked awesome when it first came out, and I actually read the whole post. Unfortunately when it came out, I never downloaded it or tried it. What amazes me about these maps is the attention to smooth gameplay, and still having the efforts to make it aesthetically pleasing. Not to be a suck-up or anything, but I would rate this a 9.8/10 for the factor of gameplay and newish ideas. Of course, congrats on the feature.
  7. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I have, changed my mind

    after re-watching the video, I saw that this map has CRAZY gameplay, like i said above, yet it still appeals to me in interlockinz, and geomerginz...I really believe this deserved feature, thanks for posting an awesome map, cant way to play it, and thanks Tex for featuring this, I wouldnt have seen it and liked it (i mean seen it again!)

    Once Again, Congrats on teh featurez Running Chron!!!!!
  8. Deathreaper204

    Deathreaper204 Ancient
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    Nice Cron i remeber when I joined while you were making this it was fun and a blast to play on Nice work
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    i had a fealing this was going to get featured, took long enough. The video really captures what the gameplay is about. Congrats on the feature, this is a great game!
  10. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    Insane classic

    This map is isane i dont get why anyone would complain about asthetics if the map is fun i also thought that everything was well done and the idea is good i like the video you made for this its pretty cool this is definitly a classic. im glad this was featured or who knows i may have never known about it.
  11. BlueMasterChief

    BlueMasterChief Ancient
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    wow that looks crazy grats on feature, looks perfect you have my dl
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Hmmm not sure if the map looks fun. But since its featured, Ill give it a try. The gameplay isnt really good for me but the design and originality is kinda awesome. I hope to have fun here. Good job.
  13. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i loved this map the first time i played it with chron. the gameplay was incredible it wasn't a ****ing amazing aeathetic map. it was well made and fun. thats good in my book.
  14. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    Wow that took a long time to get featured i downloaded this a few months a gow.
  15. Shade9595

    Shade9595 Ancient
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    i like the map and all but unless everyone know what they were doing this game would be pretty unappealing. your design is great dont get me wrong but the game just dosent seem all that great from the videos or the pics. 3/5.
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    If you guys would take the time to look at the full map with pictures you can see that the gameplay is epic.
    This shows a few pictures, but to capture the gameplay of a map like this you have to party up and have a custom game. Nice work Chron.

    Although, i dont know if it is just me, but when i click on the video is shoots me back to the top of the homepage and nothing happens, i know there was a small mixup with the other videos before, but i'll check with others.
  17. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    This looks absolutely amazing. Very unconvential to the usual maps that are featured on FH. The gameplay looks so exciting and different and the structure of the map is actually great. Well thought out and constructed.

    I watched the video and hte gametype looks awesome. I have to try it out! Well, for a map I have never heard of before, I give my thanks to the people who considered it to be featured. In my mind, it deserves it. It has my dl and I will play on it soon. Great job Chron
  18. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I'm not very impressed by this map, does it really deserve a feature? I guess if the gameplay is amazing it will make up for a seemingly bland map... The interlocking is there but I see nothing very creative, and the aesthetics are just not there.
    #18 crazyzebu, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
  19. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Maybe what he means is; No offense to anyone, a new map hasnt been featured in a while, and by i while I mean a week. Give or take. So i think we might have been expecting something big, like awesome by some well known forger, or something thats been in the works a long time and is highly anticipated. It doesn't look like a beautiful map, and honestly I haven't seen much of Running, but prob because he is an event planner or staff right? So congrats to him. I'm gonna try it none-the-less. I trust forgehubs judgement, and hopefully gameplay will deliver.
  20. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    omg i remember playing the orginal one and it ruled

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