Code red "evac"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Running Chron, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Code Red "Evac"

    Description ~ Assassin's line the streets as you try to escort your vip to the drop ship at the end of the map, the drop ship represents the last of three checkpoints the vip must reach, defenders protect the vip and clear an area out before giving the all clear for the vip to hit the checkpoint, there are lots of rooftops, and small buildings attackers can hide behind, at the beginning make sure your best sniper get your sniper rifle, or you will find all three stages to be very difficult. Rounds consist of three minute time limits and three lives per round. Attackers will spawn at three different stages throughout the map, set up blockades and coordinate with the snipers you have on the rooftops to try and kill the vip...

    Recommended party size ~ 4-16 players.


    Stage 1...

    1-1 In the first part of stage 1 you must clear out a small building room of assassin's, they will not be well armed, however there is a first floor, and a basement that must be cleared before entering the street or your vip could cheaply get assassinated...

    1-2 This is still stage 1, after leaving the first area you will enter a street with a broken down helicopter, and two sniping towers, and a few small shops. Take out the snipers first to make the street a lot easier, after clearing the area hit the first check point behind the helicopter and enter the small storage building, once killed the attackers will not spawn behind you...

    1-3 This area will wrap up the first stage, it looks easy but there are shotguns in this room and many places to camp for the attackers, defenders start with a shotgun that has limited rounds, I suggest you save that shotguns for this part of stage one, you don't want to use it to early, and you don't want to lose it...

    Stage 2...

    2-1 Welcome to stage 2, looks simple doesn't it? Well you just have to make it to the top of this hill; the only bad part is the fact that you have to get past two turrets, and another sniper at the top of the hill. Plus a tunnel can be opened by the attackers "via switch system" that will let them get back and forth from stages 2 and 3, so you must take this stage quick or it will quickly get overwhelmingly difficult...

    Stage 3...

    3-3 Stage three is a little something that I like to call the long road home. After reaching the top of the hill and reaching the checkpoint you will drop down into a room with a sniper, mongoose, warthog, flare and grenades, clear this area and stock up on any goods because if the attackers set up a good blockade this stage can be next to impossible. They are equipped with a shotgun two turrets, one always spawning spike grenade, and two snipers, plus you have to watch your back or they will sneak behind you...

    3-2 Get your vip into this drop ship by any means necessary, the opening in the front is also big enough for a mongoose to drive right in, which makes for an effective strategy. If the attackers don't open the door then the defenders can shoot the fusion coils next to the drop ship to create a quicker way with more cover to the drop ship. You will receive 5 points for hitting a checkpoint so 15 points for finishing, but the attackers can pick up 10 points for killing the vip, so if you don't think you can make it then you might think about surviving for the time limit to avoid giving away cheap points to the attackers...

    Code Red "Evac"

    #1 Running Chron, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: May 4, 2008
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Seen and played this from your Guilders app. I remember reading somewhere that this was never released? Is this its release? Sorry little confused.

    Anyway its a great idea. You have managed to put together an incredibly well balanced and smooth map. The stage 2 area is my favourite. And i love the dropship at the end. Keep up the good work.
  3. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Yes matty this is its release, I have never put it in the forums, only in my guilder application...
    #3 Running Chron, Apr 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2008
  4. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I played this when you were having a bunch of people together to get some screenshots. I personally thought it was a ton of fun. It reminds me of another map, The Alley, I think, which I still play now.

    I recommend this if you want to play a fun game.
  5. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    wow this map was really put together nicely. ive seen some pretty good maps and this one is up there
  6. psyduckfan882

    psyduckfan882 Ancient
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    whoa its looking goood
  7. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    I remember playing here before the release, Liked it alot, except sometimes some spawns got messed up a bit. Did you get them more consistent for this release?
  8. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Yes I did get it more consistent, for some reason the first round doesn't like to work much, but the other round work real well... but just like boss battle, it is just kind of random. but there is that secret door that you can open to actually get back up to stage two...
    SwordScar likes this.
  9. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    Alright, that means that this map is all the better and deserves more downloads. *queued and rep given, nice job on it. edit- Driving the mongoose into the last zone was hardcore :p
    #9 SwordScar, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  10. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Looks fun I like the custom gametype i will download!
  11. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    This looks sweet.. I don't really quite understand the objective of the game.. is it to get the VIP to the checkpoints?

    Oh.. I see now. Looks fun I'm gonna try with some of my friends that won't mess it up.
    #11 super trooper88, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  12. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    The drop ship is just big enough to drive a mongoose through, so the ending can be epic. The only problem with the game is if you kill all your opponents three times then the game ends, since you only have three lives...

    You should download, but you shouldn't spam.. I noticed the other day you spammed the entire casual section's front page to get your post up to 100, put more thought into you post...

    It's hard to mess it up, there are not any honor rules. But I can see where it would be confusing at first, basically you have to get your vip to three checkpoints alive...
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    this map looks sexy, dling now
  14. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    this looks badass. dl'ing now
  15. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks great can't wait to play it

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