Is there any CoD4 players on the forum? I know me and matty just started playing and im getting back into playing it competitively so was looking for any dubs teams or MLG players. Let me know
im not keen on WaW it just doesnt appeal to me. Couldnt get into the BETA so didnt bother buying the game lol.
I have CoD4. I never play it. It's ok at best. However, WaW is epic win. Sooner or later I'll get it.
yea i got CoD4 but i only play it like once a month. I, like the others, have CoD WaW and I think it is a lot better than 4.
I still play CoD4. I play it more often than probably any other game right now. I probably wouldn't be interested in playing competitively, but if you ever want someone to play with, you can send me an FR. I almost always go positive, but I enjoy things like Shotguns + C4, so I'm not always Mr. 70-0.
I started to recently play it again - but not too much online. I was focusing on finishing the achievements (1 more left!) for the game before christmas because when I get CoD:WaW, I'll likely be playing on that a lot.
I use my Dragunov for long range. M1911 for close-to-mid... I go +10-20 every game since I learned my groove. Teams rush me, die instantly, no claymores, no SMGs, just straight up shoot/stab/death I own.
I always play cod4 right after I watch the military channel. It's like there's subliminal messages in there telling me JOIN THE ARMY! Yah, but that aint gonna happen until world war 3