The only thing I noticed was being able to mute players in-game without pulling up the dash. In a game just hold back, select the player you want to mute and press A.
some of the new things include grenade cam rpg cam claymore cam noob tube cam airstrike cam first person point of view spectating mute all i can think of right now
The airstrike cam is pretty cool, I however still haven't seen anything changed with scop accuracy on the snipers? has anyone else notcied this? and why didn't you post about this in the COD4 thread?
my favorite is that the party stays together after the host quits... That would require DLC. DLC is new content, while AUs are simply for small tweaks to existing content. Hence why new maps and guns take 15 minutes to download, whereas AUs are only a few seconds. Consider Halo 3's AU1. The most significant change was the difference in melee contenst damage. I'm actually kind of surprised at the amount of content in this AU. Claymore and Airstrike cams are a nice touch, new functionality like a-hole button and host migration...the only way i can see it is if most of this was in game, but wasnt entirely finished before released.
The airstrike Cam is almost worth getting killed by to watch, however it gets annoying on Shipment HQ matches.