Yea COD is pretty bad also. It really depends who u play with though. I occasionally play with some british folks (since im up very late at night) and they have all been very mature and non-annoying. and also, very good at the game. I did run into some really ignorant and drunk aussies... they were raging on us and told us to go suck george bush's ****... even though half our party was from
Titmar, I kind of see where you are coming from with hating certain perks after last night. The only one that was pissing me off was Juggernaut ...... I conquer Last Stand and Martyrdom, but Juggernaut pisses me off. *snipes someone, little Red Cross shows up on screen, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????* So yeah, I still had a ton of fun last night, but jeez, juggernoob is lame. and as far as matchmaking goes. COD4 online "community" > Halo 3's Online Community. I would come across a lot more jerkholes in Halo 3 than COD4, but I guess that's just me personally.
I like CoD 4 and all but something I have been noticing more and more lately is that the spawns are terrible. I can not even count the amount of times that I spawned in an enemy's line of fire, 2 feet from a grenade, or have had an enemy spawn right next to me. And the perk "Overkill" is awesome. I love having an M16 and a Dragonuv.
Yea, Infinity Ward needs to take some lessons from Bungie on spawning system. I agree tygrad, Juggernoob is by far the worst of all perks. I heard a rumor that in an upcoming update they will be adding a grenade launcher weapon with a six shot clip... like, its a rapid fire noob tube basically. Sounds cool i guess, but garauntee it will make the game worse...
i had a terrible experience with the spawn system. i killed a guy, walked past his dead body and he spawned exactly where he died and killed me as i was walking away.
That sounds like it will be fun for 1 game, but then turn into a ridiculous noob weapon. The problem with juggernaut is that it can only be countered by you either using juggernaut or stopping power. Its more than a "slight" health boost.
I doubt it, since you can all ready put a GL on the bottom of pretty much every assualt rifle. And it would either suck, and no one would use it, or it's amazingly powerful and unbalances the game, there' no middle ground for weapons like that.
that would blow...major....I used to use the nade launcher but its just stupid now....So much better stuff!
idk i just didn't really like the game as much as halo. the campaign was fun but for some reason didn't entertain me enough. the sniper mission was awesome though. maybe i didn't like it because everyone said it was the best game ever with fast paced gameplay and everything i just felt the game was stay in a building and snipe with a sub machine gun which really pissed me off of how people somehow see me from across the map and kill me without even scoping in on me.
I tried to play Halo 3 with some buddies last night and omg ...... apparently playing COD4 completely wipes my Halo skill down the bad side of the toilet. And then the first match we come across is with a bunch of **** talkers ..... COD4 will remain my primary multiplayer game, just because I rarely ever have to hear people being retarded.
I think the most annoying thing about the spawn system becomes apparent playing HQ. If you dont know what i mean its this: The team who controls the HQ on one side of the map will defend for a while, then eventually all die... Then the HQ moves to the other side of the map, and since the opposing team just destroyed the first HQ, the now leading team spawns away from them on the opposite side of the map, RIGHT NEXT TO THE NEXT HQ AS IT SPAWNS. It is very very easy to take advantage of this and win every HQ match you play. Also in Team Deathmatch, the way the spawns work is annoying because if you play right, and dont move too far into a teams spawn area, you can keep them pinned in that area, and control an entire 2/3 of the map. I have found that understanding and manipulating the spawns in this game is half the battle to winning.
Well that apparently is what happens to me when I get spawn killed like 3 or 4 times in a row. That's really the only thin I find frustrating.
I've noticed this too, almost always one team dominates a HQ match. The team that dies always spawns right next to the next HQ. This is another thing that pisses me off. You'll spawn under 4 or 5 people shooting at you and you're spawning teammates. It usually lasts around 5-6 deaths per person which is 300 points, almost half of the score to win. It's ridiculous.
the only time i've had a problem with the spawn is in HQ where one team always seems to spawn near the next HQ and win the match...
So i was playing Team Deathmatch with my clan buddies today, and i wound up randomly placed in a match with another Forge Hub member. Jmandaman8 or wahtever your name is... how did it feel getting pwnd so bad? lol
This game also took me away from Halo. It was probably the unlockable upgrades and stuff that kept me playing it.