I have a tendency to completely ignore my own advice and run around like a retard and get killed a lot some times .... although I'm pretty damn good at Headquarters. I need to play with you guys more sometimes I guess.
Sometimes HQ can be so frustrating, like this: If Team 1 captures the first HQ of the game, then controls it for about 50 points before Team 2 can kill them and recapture the HQ... Then everyone in Team 1 is dead, and they respawn on the other side of the map, RIGHT NEXT TO THE NEW HQ WHEN IT SPAWNS. i.e.: if a good team understands the spawn system, every HQ match they play will be 250-0
We pulled off two 250-0 HQ matches last night. I will agree though that the HQ spawn system is mildly ridiculous.
The whole game's spawn system is completely effed up. I never thought I'd say this considering how bad H3's spawns can be at times, but Infinity Ward needs to take some lessons from Bungie. The more I play this game the more I realize that my initial hateful opinions of it that I had before I even owned it are all correct. Spawn system sucks, weapons are unbalanced as hell, perk system unbalanced, caters to camping and noob tactics... the list goes on.
hey, I use martyrdome, but my grenades rarely kill people ;D .... I don't see a point in any of the other yellow perks I have so far.
I like it because when someone is camping and you get killed by them they die too. I honestly find last stand to be way more noobish than martyrdom.
Not with the desert eagle it isn't, I find it is very fun and hilarious to kill three people with the deagle.
I think Last Stand is less nooby than martyrdom, because although it may initially seem nooby, it does take some skill to have the reflexes to suddenly pop off pistol kills when u get dropped to the ground like that
well if your bad enough to get killed by one and not either run away or throw it away then your the noob I mean martrydom
No matter what u are trying to say, martyrdom and last stand are both super gay and if you use them then u are gay too
ok fine i'm a noob...but i'm not that bad, i'm actually pretty good i'm normally in the top half out of everyone in games i play, or it's just that everyone i play with are noobier than me -_-... anyways, what are the things you think aren't noob tactics?
Titmar is so non-noobish that he doesn't use perks and usually get his kills with an un-silenced pistol.