yeh it's really addicting you go from level 1 to 55 then you hav to go thru a level after you reach level 55 to unlock prestige then its time to take the leap...but i kno once i get one of the really cool medals in Prestige Im going to stay there for a
To Level up the fastest, always play HQ. Sometimes it can be frustrating if you have a crappy team, or are playing against a really good team, but whether you win or lose, you will always get a ton of points. Especially on Shipment, that map is total chaos, I get like a minimum of 50 kills, and then u also get the points from the HQ's. Thats a lot of points. --- Im starting to get sick of this game though. Dont get me wrong, it is a LOT of fun. But man, it is completely overrun with noobs. So many people just sprint around the maps with shotgun, juggernoob, and martyrdom on. They play like total noobs, using weapons that take absolutely no skill to aim with. There are so many frustrating aspects to the game and how accomodating it is to noobs. I mean, some people who are like level 5 Prestige arent even good, they just use lame noob tactics to get exp. There is barely even a separation between the "good" and the noobs. In Halo, you can be average, have fun and get by. But when you are very good at Halo, people cant touch you because you truely are better than them. No amount of noob tactics can beat a truely skilled player in Halo. Unfortunately, this is not true in COD4. Its super-noob central. I am level 23, Prestige level 1, and im sick of this crap. Im going up to 55 again and staying there permanently. This game will be on the back burners once i do that, and I will return to Halo, where the truely balanced and fun gameplay is.
exactly why i like halo more...also i just dont see the specialness of the gold stuff...everyone has it....maybe i just havent picked up on it yet...
yeah this game is awesome...i beat it on hardened, but man the ferris wheel part took me so many tries. I ended up hiding behind the bumper car(?) or table to the right of the ferris wheel...and the multiplayer is amazing. I would say it's as good as Halo 3, but maybe that's just cuz i'm better at CoD than Halo...
I love sniping in Multiplayer, does anyone that has all of the snipers have a suggestion on which sniper I should use? I've been switching between the Dragonuv and the first one. (Can't remember the name, I want to say the M204 but I don't think that's what the name is.)
I hate sniping....Cause I'm so bad at it....I miss and then people sneak up on me and kill me....I think the best sniper is a M16 with an ACOG.
um...are u kidding me? cuz u got like 35 headshots on that playtest u were in lol in halo....i fixed the problem by now tho
Lol, thats where the Claymore Perk comes in handy. Put some of those to the left of a door mostly out of site and then BOOM.
Ha well thats different thats Halo...Thats only because I never took advantage of Halo 2's auto aim. Spartans have big heads....Soldiers don't. Plus I always get sniped before I snipe them. CODs sniping is more realistic I think too. You actually have to lead the person. And yeah I use claymores but I usually die before that or someone sees them
Cod4 is pretty fun, and I got into the multiplayer beta when it was still happening... Back then, you could kill a helicopter with 1 SAW clip, but now they just shoot you.