I beat the whole game on Veteran, but I cannot beat the Epilogue on veteran... It's driving me nuts because it's the last achievement I need to get. I think I'm probably going to give up, haha. I don't 100% agree with the ranking system. It seems that anyone with enough time on their hands can outrank everyone else... Otherwise, I think it's great.
I've actually gotten sick of the multiplayer. Chuck random grenade aim down, red dot site, shoot little people that run in front of dot. Plus have the time you die its from a grenade, airstrike, or helicopter.
I'm not totally sick of it but I have to agree, its basicly a one strategy game for Multiplayer and Feth forbid if your playing with noobs who use Martyrdom in Hardcore Search and Destroy...
yea i am getting kinda sick of it too. plus the fact that like none of my clan is ever on anymore meaning i wind up with randoms and i hate that more than anything in the world