im with you on the veteran parts of campaign wow it took me a while to just get past the bog map part that big fire fight at night it took me a while.,
Veteran seems to be basically just trying to sprint between cover and checkpoints. Because as soon as you pop up, you're usually dead. I finished Act 1 on Veteran and then just the rest on Hardened. Veteran is too ridiculous.
I finally prestiged the other day after promising I wouldn't. (Thanks a lot for convincing me Insane... :squirrel_nono
Really? That part seemed a bit easy to me. Different for everyone I guess. I'm beating the game on veteran (just started last night) and it is really REALLY fun. It's so cinematic it's like you're watching a movie. I dunno about prestiging. The symbol you get looks really weird, and you lose all your custom weapons. I'll probably still do it, but it seems like a bad deal to me.
Insane hasn't even Prestiged? Why did you listen to him? @Poztar- Let me know what you opinion is of Veteran later.
Well... that's why it's called veteran. Beating the last level is gonna be almost impossible... has anyone done it yet? I think they fixed the sniper scope, because all of a sudden I'm hitting the majority of my sniper shots, but idk maybe I miraculously got better lol.
Oh don't be such a baby Tygard. It's not that hard. I'm already up to Ultimatum and I've been doing fine. Great game by the way.
Same, I got bored of Halo 3 after some time (Big Mistake) and started playing Rainbow Six Las Vegas again. I got up to Captain before I got Call of Duty 4 and then played that. I went through Prestige once and played ONLY Call of Duty 4 for a long time. Then I found out about Forgehub and started playing Halo 3 again. Now I sold my copy of Call of Duty 4 and just pre-ordered Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2. Cant wait till that comes in, and at least I'll be playing both Halo 3 and RB6V2
well I'm sorry that I don't have time to spend all day in front of a TV. :squirrel_eyebrow: on a lighter note, Bought the game for $39.99 at Target, sold it on for $42.75, how often does that happen? never
YES!!!! I finally beat one shot one kill and all Ghuillied up on Veteran!!! W00t w00t! Now all I need is War Pig and Mile High club.
No you don't Target sucks, lol. I just say that cuz I use to work there in high school. And I'm still sticking to my "Veteran is too ridiculous for me to spend the time to beat" Congratualtions to all of you who have done it, would you like a cookie?
All Ghillied Up is probably the best level in the game, besides maybe Death from Above. The sniper at the beginning of One Shot One Kill is sweet too. And the Epilogue is insanely difficult, I'll probably never get that one. Also, the cheats are mostly pretty useless.
Holy Crap is the epilouge addicting....I tried so many techniques with just skipping the guy in the bathroom...pick up a shotgun or not to pick up one up....flashbang here or there....I finally got it though....The first time I got to the hostage I shot him...I was so pissed
I got to the end five times... once I shot the hostage 3 times I blew up as I approached the door once I shot the terrorist in the leg (cause you can do it in recruit) and a black screen came up "HOSTAGE IS DEAD: Real veterans get headshots not fleshwounds"
Last time I checked, my friend took 9 hours to beat Mile High Club on Veteran, now he can do it knife only, flashbang only, pistol only or not even shoot at all on Veteran.