Man did this game take me away from Halo 3 for a long time. I think it was the unlockable perks that made me play for so long. I kept going just to try and get a bit more exp. I think it has a much better multiplayer in terms of matchmaking. But some parts of the campaign on veteran are so incredibly difficult *cough cough* ferris wheel *cough cough* What do you guys think?
I just got it, but I've just been playing multiplayer as of late. I'm horrible at campaign, but I'm usually great at multiplayer. In campaign, I can't even get past the tv room part on hardened (or whatever one before veteran).
im stuck there too! my men just get cut down by the other dudes and then eventually they get a lucky grenade as i snipe terrorists one by they ever stop..?
What I did was just go as far right as I could and stay in this room. If gernades were thrown inside I would either run out or throw them back. Theres a big block of TV's where you can hide behind desks and pop up and slowly work your way to the door. It took me a while...but not as long as the Mile High Club Achievment did
IMO, (aside from the single-player, obviously) I think this game caters to noobs. *It is WAY too easy to be good at the multiplayer. *I know people who are horrbile at videogames and are top ranks in COD4 *I know people who rented this game and in 3 days are already playing prestige *I played it for about 20 minutes at a friends house, and i dominated people, when i wasnt even used to the levels or controls *The game caters to camping and other lame FPS tactics that dont take a lot of skill But still, i suppose it is a fresh change from H3 and the game still is fun, but i still consider H3 a superior game in terms of competitive FPS's, yes, even with H3's many flaws.
I disagree. If you don't want to play with all the noobs then you can just play Hardcore. No radar unless you acquire a UAV. No gernade indicator or claymore indicator etc, more damage, and I'm not sure but there might not be a reticule. This is definitly not noob friendly. Plus the ranking system is similar to Halo 3s where if you play a game you get expierence so everyone can level up.
*the ranking system is like halo 3's experience system, its not skill based thats cool though, everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion ;D i will eternally hate on this game ;D
There are seriously only two guns of value on that game. M16 with a red dot sight, stopping power, and deep impact. Ak-47 with supressor, bandolier, and double tap. With those two guns you can seriously own in any map (ak is for smaller maps and m16 is for bigger maps) I quit that game when I woke up one week and noticed how many m16s there suddenly were. Campaign was excellent (not worth $60 though)
man i suck at sniping at that game...My favorite weapons are the M16 with acog, stopping power, claymore and I swap the other one around. Another good one is a spec ops with the mp5 or a SAW with double tap, stopping power, i forget everything....I can't remember which ones are in the same category anymore....
I wouldn't mind getting this game, but GTA IV is coming soon and my gaming budget is slim. Plus Halo Wars is supposed to drop this year ..... never enough time or money I swear .... Quick question, how many people on the board are actually old enough to buy the game themselves? lol ;D
I'm old enough to buy this game, a bottle of Jack Daniels, AND get a discount on my car insurance. Beat that. --- Onward to my comment: It really bothers me that so many Halo players like this game. It is completely imbalanced. You rank up based on experience, not skill, and as you rank up you gain "perks" which basically give you an edge against lower ranked players that are in the same game as you. I just think that is so freaking lame. But on a positive note, man the levels and graphics are f'ing awesome
I'm old enough for all of that plus I own a house and my car is an'07. ;D I take it your around 25 becuase that's when my car insurance goes down next.
I know lol, you could sit AFK all game and still get experience for losing. Like WTF?!?!?! Anyways, perks aren't good until double tap and bandolier, or overkill, but I mean what is up with the perks like iron lungs? Complete waste of space on the game. If you get to that level and snipe, you better be able to hit a target in under 2 seconds.