Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 Announced Prepare for the flaming Hell Hound. by Erik Brudvig April 30, 2009 - Treyarch and Activision have unveiled the second map pack for Call of Duty: World at War. Dubbed simply Map Pack 2, this set will offer three new multiplayer maps and one new co-op Zombie map. The three multiplayer maps include Banzai, a jungle map featuring a waterfall, Corrosion, a beat up train yard, and Sub Pens, a bombed-out sub base. The Zombie map is titled Shi No Zuma -- the Zombie Swamp -- and it features Perk machines, the new Wunderwawffe DG-2 and flaming Hell Hounds. The new map pack is coming in June. Source:IGN Advertisement HellHounds!!!! Flaming Hellhounds! My friends. May I just say.... HOLY SHNIKES!