yea i figured you'd feel the same way! i see games that compete with halo: Gears, COD, Metal gear (recently), Killzone 2, all these popular big names. But Halo 3 is the only game where i can have my whole family at one xbox 360 playing with the rest of the world. If COD can at least manage split 2, That can garner some serious attention to the multiplayer addicts, like me. maybe test subjects mutated beyond recognition? Terrorist Monsters instead of **** Zombies?
I'll make it realistic; have a perk allowing 2 or three weapon abilites, e.g- ACOG scope, And bayonets, or supressors. And I'm damn sure this has been mentioned, but the spawn system sure as hell needs adjusting. And maybe, just maybe, they could have another shotgun? Ooh, maybe input another kill streak bonus, e.g - 3=UAV 5=Air Strike 7=Chopper 10=Enable a 'fourth / fith perk (depending on wether or not there are vehicles - whhich ruined COD WAW)' 15=Run faster or something
Oh god, Camel Carcass just reminded me... Sarge, if you include even one thing this spiel of yours, for the love of god, make sure they absolutely DO NOT include vehicles!
I would really like to see a perk where you can duel weild pistols. Both pistols would have to be half of the normal power when there alone though.
I have been wanting this for a looong time. MP5 w/ silencer AND red dot scope ftw. I also thought about a 4th killstreak bonus but I think that would just make the game really unfair at that point. I have thought about perks that allow for bonuses to the killsteak bonuses (if that makes sense lol). Like... -UAV lasts 15 seconds longer -Obtain a UAV bonus after 10 killstreak -Airstrike has a larger hit radius -Helicopter does more damage things like that.
Well it was probably deleted because Infinity Ward already has the twitter. Even though people just type the most ignorant dumbass **** in it. Anyway I think it would be cool if they could finally add multiplayer achievements and if they could somehow make you be able to paint your own gun any way you wanted to. Thats about it.
I like the idea about the improved ghillie suit. The solution the UAV Jammer advantage, I think, is that the ghillie suit could be a perk. The ghillie suit would be a perk in the same category as UAV Jammer, that way one player couldn't have both.
I like your suggestions, but I think you need to address the issues with the perks. There are many perks that are either useless, or just plain dumb. The first perk that comes to mind - and in many other people's mind's is Martyrdom. There isn't any skill involved when using it, and it's basically just a free kill if you die. Of course it's avoidable, but it's so unnecessary. The second perk is Juggernaut. Why they added this is beyond me. It's like starting off with an Overshield in Halo 3.. well, maybe not that drastic, but it's still a pain. I just hope that Infinity Ward listens to the community about said perks, and either gets rid of them, or they add new perks to "combat" against them. ------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. This also may be too much to ask, but it would be nice to add one more perk slot. But that slot will only be used for perks you would only use in specific playlists. For example: In Hardcore Search and Destroy, it is very useful to have the Eavesdrop perk to hear the other team, but with other better perks in the same category, they render Eavesdrop virtually useless. P.S.S. I want to also address your suggestion about customization on the fly. The first thing that came to my mind was Crysis, and how it enables you to add attachments to your weapons whenever you want. It's essentially just a wheel that has several different options of customizations on it. In CoD:MW2, it would be the same thing, just with attachments like a Silencer, Scope, Grenade Launcher, etc. I think that instead of having Left Bumper be used to throw Secondary Grenades, we could use that to bring up our "Customization Wheel". Just by simply holding it down, and moving our Left Thumb Stick around and selecting with the A button. Then we could free up the D-pad and use that to switch between Secondary and Primary grenades.
I think the new CoD needs some kind of cover system (all you do is crouch behind an object). In other games that have this like GoW the cover system is not realistic. You would be perfectly behind cover and would be able to see the other side of the cover and the whole landscape after it. In CoD: MW2 if they make a cover system, when you go into cover you should face the opposite way (when you take cover, your back is to the thing you are leaning against) and not be able to look at the other side of the cover without exposing your head to see. Also, this goes with the cover system. In order to have people want to get into cover they should make it so that you reload faster when you're in cover (and can blindfire?).
Ever heard of stopping power? Juggernaut is now useless. And then whatever the perk is that resets grenade cook time when throwing it back is a good one for Martyrdom. And, if you can't stand martyrdom, play some HC. No marty newbs there.
Okay, first of all, Stopping Power doesn't help that much at all. I still get that annoying First Aid symbol above their head and it's always a pain to kill them. I think making Stopping Power exclusively more effective on people with Juggernaut would be a really good solution.. or the best solution is to just get rid of it overall. There is tons more room for newer, better perks to replace Juggernaut. (I'm not alone in this, mind you.) Secondly, there is no excuse to have Martyrdom, nor is there really any perk that could make it any less annoying. (Unless of course you have a perk that turns off Martrydom for everyone in the game, and replaces it with a perk that makes them weaker. ) That perk that resets the fuse is a waste of a perk when you have other better perks to use... plus it's only in WaW. No thank you. And for the record: I don't play Hardcore, I'm just a casual Team Deathmatch kind of guy.
Eh really just suits your playstyle. If you can't outrun a Martyrdom, tough luck, because I guarantee they won't take that or Juggernaut out. It would also be bad to include in Sarge's post, mainly because it would sound like he is whining about not being able to take on Juggernaut and Marty "Newbs" and they would most likely dismiss and ignore his post.
I've been dreaming of a multiplayer map in a Snow environment. Now this applies to what you were talking about with player customization. Wearing something that helps you blend in better with the environment around you (ghillie suit in forest). Add those kind of customizations so that the player would have to adjust his attire before each game. Where green camo in wooded maps, where Desert camo in middle eastern maps, etc. This also applies to having weapon camos actually now serving a much more better service rather than just looking cool. As someone already stated earilier, have a perk that allows two weapon attachments to one gun. I would think that this applies to the RED perk IMO. What I was hyped up for in WaW was that you can climb in trees. Sadly this was just AI in campaign. Although that would be a pretty cool feature in Multiplayer.
course. thats what sparked my idea for the "do not include" post My head is bleeding due to the amount of facepalming I just did. First, this is CoD, its more of a run-and-gun game than Rainbow 6 or Ghost Recon, adding a cover system would kill that. It works for some games, given CoD's playstyle, it would FAIL hard hard hard Second, I've already stated that anything that requires a significant change to the engine is highly unlikely and therefore, don't suggest it here. QFT. Yeti, I was going to respond to your long post until I saw this. As much as I HATE martyrdom and juggernaut (even worse for snipers IMO) if I included such a blatant statement in my post, it would void my entire argument. I'd sound like a little fanboy trying to cater the game to his playstyle rather than improve the series as a whole, which is what I'm trying to do. So I'm sorry to say, can't include it. yeah, I was planning on expanding the ghillie suit section a bit to refer to new environments as well. however, I'm not sure what plans they have in regards to maps themselves yet, so I didn't suggest it at first.
This whole topic is extremely interesting since I really enjoyed COD4. At first I was pushed away from the whole "No Shield" aspect of the game and that I don't usually like military shooters (because so many WW2 games ruined that for me), after I played this a few times I enjoyed it and eventually got hooked a bought it and loved it. I'm not sure what changed my mind about the game other than playing it myself. Anyways, ways they can improve are various. I agree more skins, selectable suits, and more weapons to use would be great. You've suggested many great idea that I'm glad you did. Only thing about the knife thing is that I hope they change the animation for the knife slash. It's a really weak animation. Also, the hit box for the knife slash really sucks. Many times have I slashed someone and they turned around and blew my face off. Lastly, I would like to include the removal of noob tubes. Also, the inclusion of an extra grenade for starting, it would be nice. They also need to extend the amount of environments. Cities, forests, and more would be great. By cities I mean much more modern cities. Obviously minuscule things, but important to me. Things I would enjoy would be these.
Yeah, I understand. I don't think I would send them a letter just to complain about Juggernaut or Martyrdom either. But it's still a problem with the game that I think should be fixed. Of course I can dodge someone's Martrydom, or activate Stopping Power to try and kill a Juggernaut quicker.. but the problem still remains and so many people are tired of it. However, I'm really happy that IW is actually asking their fans what we want, instead of kind of "guessing" what we want like a lot of companies out there. I think the idea of them having a Twitter account for which people can give them suggestions is really cool in my opinion. EDIT: I forgot, but I just want to ask you about what you thought about the rest of my post. Do you like any of my other ideas?
The problem with CoD4 is that it isn't really modern warfare, a lot of the guns were outdated, WaW proves that you can still get the same gameplay even in a different era all together. Anyway, snipers should be able to attach a laser sight which would improve hip fire accuracy greatly, but it also shows off their position. Make an incendiary round perk(instead of stopping power). NOT IN CHINA OR RUSSIA.
suggestion 9: do not join the same game for another 3 games after quitting a game while in progress suggestion 10: some sort of skill ranking, not as strict as the halo or GOW one and not so **** either, just so teams can be well balanced
I was thinking about how the ranking system could be in CoD:MW2. I think it could be a mixture of the old Experience system in CoD4 mixed with Halo 3's TruSkill system. You could essentially gain experience by completing challenges, getting kills, etc. That experience would go towards your "Insignia rank" Such as Private, General, Brigadier, whatever. That rank would have nothing to do with who you are matched up with. It would just be a way to see how much that player has played. Then there would be the real ranking system. It's just like Halo 3's where you gain number ranks. That would be the deciding factor of who you are matched up against in terms of actual skill. So if you are a rank 3, then you would be ranked up with ranks 1-5. It's really simple, and I think Halo 3 handles it beautifully... and MW2 could handle it really well too.
I think a perk that allows you to get rid of all perk slots so that you can upgrade your gun as much as you want. ACOG, silencer and grenade launcher all at once would be insane. Get rid of the stupid fact that you are fully restocked once you respawn. The grenade launcher player can win too easily because of this. Spawns, uses 2 grenades and kills 2 people, then dies, respawns and has 2 new grenades. You should be punished for dying. Not rewarded. More anti-killstreak perks. UAV jammer is brilliant. I want the same for Helicopter and Artillery. And don't say the RPG for anti-helicopter because that thing is useless. It's much faster to have a special class with Stopping Power and an LMG. I don't mind vehicles. As long as the map is designed tacticfully around them. Little room to move around, high walls, tall buildings etc. In Campaign, I would like my own customazation. At the start of the game, I'm given a gun. I finsish a mission and I get money. I buy a new gun. Simple but could be fun if thought out right. A new Mile High. I'm sorry but **** Zombies have nothing on Mile High. In Mile High, I start the mission and instantly I'm having fun. **** Zombies is just stupid. The first few waves are boring beyond belief and then you just get a lot of zombies and even then it's boring. More customizable options for Private games.