Hello fellow Forgers. My name is ODST Viper/Cobra but my gamer tag is Snake0822. While I am no new comer to Forgehub, I am a new comer to the forging aspect. I have mindless read and downloaded map after map just to get my fill of this site's creative persona. From Peasant Hunt to maps that look like Scarabs, I have enjoyed and loved each and every one. In Halo, I am a straight vehicular person. I am excellent with a 'Hog turret, I an pick off a mongoose with a Scorpion (when it across the map) and more than often can lay a steady stream of support fire or give a handy lift when needed. This affection for vehicles has led me to creative a good portion of my maps around them (which I will post soon). I have also made a few "random" maps that have no partcular point to them. I hope to be a valuable edition to this already great community. I also hope for as much criticism and advice as possible so I can perfect my maps and let the entirety of the Halo population enjoy them. ~Cobra/Viper :happy:
Vechicle Maps Welcome to Forgehub! Looking forward to your vehicle based forge maps. BTW, I am a legendary warthog driver. Send me a friend request and we can go on some epic hog runs.
ohh i love vehicles cant wait to see your vehicle maps! btw my foriend and i play this game called baseball its our version of griball where the goal is too knock the person coming at you with a gravity hammer across the map without killing them!