Cobra Course The name of this map comes from our clan the C44 Cobras. This is our first jumping course. It was made by me and elitebiker18. It is very challenging so I hope you have skill and patience, lots of patience. Me and elitebiker18 have tested this map and it is possible to make it through the entire thing. We are also holding a challenge to those who think they can make it through in under 20 minutes. You must use the gametype Cobra Bomb and nobody can help you. You can also practice before you do it. If we see anybody cheating you will be disqualified. If anyone does please make a video and send it to HEROEZ BLADE117 or elitebiker18. I hope you guys like it. Pictures StartJump 1The wallLong jumpThe ballMongoose mazeBike balanceJump 2The climbBike courseJump 3Jump to end Dont forget about the 20 minute challenge and if you want to be in our clan just message one of us. ENJOY!!!!!!!!! Download here: Gametype:
Downloaded..looks very interesting although im unsure of why a mongoose plays such a role.. I will get that 10 minute clip. im expecting a virtual win
I'll give it a download, and try to complete it as fast as possible. Nice work guys, looks like a solid map, will edit later.
I can beat it in 5-8 minutes. But the problem is i always run into problems... The last teleporter (the tilted single walls) thats the hardest part. I will try making a speed run thats worthy and sending you
You can see a teleporter at the end it looks like there is no way around it without going straight through it