Cobalt Circuit

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by THE Fuglystick, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. THE Fuglystick

    THE Fuglystick Ancient
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    Cobalt Circuit


    Author: THE Fuglystick

    Map Name: Forge World

    Track Name: Cobalt Circuit

    Average lap time: 1:05

    Fastest recorded lap: 1:00

    # of Checkpoints: 13

    This is my first attempt at making a track where I focused mostly on making a competitive element. This map rewards racers who know how to use their brakes and manage their acceleration/deceleration going into/out of turns. I am planning on putting this track into Bungie's forgetacular contest, son any advice/constructive criticism is very welcome. In places where you could fall off the track and be set back a significant amount of time (+5 seconds or more) I've also added death barriers as a precaution where necessary. Highlights of the track include a tunnel section underneath the main "chamber" of the track(which is set in the coliseum), as well as an idea I had about using dishes(from the forge palette) to make a turn, which I will explain in detail later. I also felt that the aesthetics on the map came out very well, and that its a beautiful map to look at, as well as race.


    The start.

    After the first section you take a ramp down to the tunnel section.

    The tunnel beneath the main chamber is full of twists and turns.

    This is the dish banked turn, the idea I mentioned i was toying around with earlier. I used the disc's bottom so the bank would have a inner edge and an outer edge, forcing drivers to commit to either the inner or outer lip, as sliding around the corner can be a gamble on your speed if you hit the turn the wrong way. The idea is similar to what you'll see on some SX tracks like jacksonville(you can find it on halotracks), only that it is possible to switch between the two lips of the turn if you drive right.

    The turn is followed by a jump which takes you to a small section outside the main chamber.

    After that turn you then shoot out onto the main floor of the chamber. There's a chance here you can collide with traffic either ahead of or behind you so keep an eye out.

    You take a 180 bank into a wide turn slightly about the main floor. The inside of the turn is the only place of the track that is largely unbordered, but if you fall you will only be set back to the floor section you just came from.

    After that section you take a ramp up, make one final 180, and wind up back at the starting area again.

    Chamber Overview

    What inspired your creation?
    I wanted to make a competitive track that I would also want to enter into Bungie's forge contest.

    How long did it take you to create this track?
    This track took me about 8 hours to make, doing one marathon session of forging and testing. I powered through this map really fast.

    What aspect of the track took you the longest to make?
    The part that took the longest was the tunnel section. Originally I had wanted to make the whole area beneath the main floor have a bunch of criss-crossing paths between pillars, but the idea didn't pan out as well as i wanted it to.
    #1 THE Fuglystick, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2010
  2. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    now there a good racing map i have not seen a map this good in a while great job
  3. TrentonRhamez

    TrentonRhamez Forerunner

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    This looks really, really good. I like how it's so different from the usual racetracks on here. One of a kind, for sure.

    Well done :)
  4. sniperbait636

    sniperbait636 Forerunner

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    This track looks so good some parts look just like the came out of a competitive map not a track and I love the Dish turn it looks so fun to drift around I'm definitely downloading!
  5. gingerninjasam

    gingerninjasam Forerunner

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    I gotta say I love driving through tunnels on a race track. Woot! great map.
  6. cornlord

    cornlord Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    awesome map man. I would say that it's my favorite race map by far. I love that it's indoors.
  7. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love it. One of the best indoor race maps I've ever played. Great construction, great design, great gameplay. All around great job.

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