Alright, hey ForgeHub. Newbie here, so, don't sink your teeth into me too far, alright? As it went with a lot of Forgers, I was really impressed with the mechanics of Forge 2.0 in Reach, so I've been playing around with it ever since Reach came out. I've made a map or two before, but I didn't feel like they were all that good. Also, I didn't know about ForgeHub then. So now, I've cooked up something that, although still in progress, I think is good enough to show off to you guys! Or, at least preview. Alright, before I put up the pictures, here's a little description of the map (it's necessary, right?). I was originally planning to construct something like an off-shore Forerunner oil rig. I understand that it'd be silly for the Forerunners to be drilling for oil when they were a such an advance race, but, that's just how I wanted it to look like; a more elegant version of an oil rig. As I kept working on it, it sort of veered off of that concept and took a life of its own. However, the inspiration is still there from the large towers and the (relatively) narrow walkways that connect them. Now, here, see for yourself! Sorry that there aren't any action shots - I haven't been able to really get more than a 4 person Free-for-All going on Coastal, and I forgot to save that film. However, I'll probably be updating this - a download link will also be coming soon! I suppose until then, asking for feedback would be sort of a moot point, but if any of you are skilled enough at Forge to do that sort of thing (which, by looking around at the maps, some of you guys really are!) I would really appreciate it! Enjoy!