Coast Race

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by dudeyoudied, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. dudeyoudied

    dudeyoudied Forerunner

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    This is a race track through a coastal town and across the break water wall, straight passed the lighthouse.
    Watch the preview of the race track!
    YouTube - Halo Reach Coast Race
    #1 dudeyoudied, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
  2. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    Wow...I am a big fan of aesthetic maps and the buildings in this track are really detailed... good job and the rock section of the race is really fun!!! Overall this is a really fun track and can get very competitive on the rock section from people bumping each other off!!! It got my download!!
  3. jpeazer

    jpeazer Forerunner

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    I also realy like the buildings on the map expasicaly the light house building. I really dont like the rock path its different and cool but i think you could have it blend in with the map a little bit more. all in all its a fun map
  4. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    I love this entire map! I love the aesthetics that you got all around it and how its really wide with some small areas to, but I truly hate the rocky road part it seems to small and narrow, plus its also a very long part to. Its a good map, but I would defiantly get rid of the small rocky path it ruins the whole feel of the map and I found myself constantly falling off the edge screaming (lol). I would just fix that part and this map would be perfect! :D
  5. dudeyoudied

    dudeyoudied Forerunner

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    I get what you mean about the break water wall, but thats is supposed to be hard. Have you ever been in a race where you can't catch the leader because there is not obstacle that they get hung up on, so there is no way to ever catch them? I definitely have and its really annoying because who ever starts first wins! I hated those type of race maps so I came up with the rock wal. It a hard, but not impossible. The rock wall is the part where even if you are in the very back of the pack you can catch up.

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