Remake Coagulation

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TwiggyShip, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. TwiggyShip

    TwiggyShip Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Coagulation - Remake

    "Recent excavations have failed to shed light on the true purpose of the outposts in this bloody gulch"​

    Hello all.

    After finishing Gulch, I was yearning to make a complete Coagulation remake. What with it being my favourite map and all, I decided it was worth three days hard graft and mind-numbing switches between Halo 2 and Halo Reach to make a 100% accurate remake of it.

    The canyon walls at the top and bottom of the map can't be recreated, so I used large Colosseum walls and a few Seastacks to make an alternative. It's not perfect, and is kind of an eyesore to a Coagulation-lover like me, but it's the best I could do under the circumstances.

    (NB: If anyone has a way to re-create the canyon walls, please share!)

    Besides that, thanks to Bungie making the wonderful decision to directly port Coagulation's terrain - rocks, caves and sniper-spots all - to Hemorrhage, this remake is totally accurate.

    There were, however, a few substitutions to be made weapons-wise. The new sandbox replaces Brute Shots with Concussion Rifles and Battle Rifles with DMRs, so I incorporated this too. The weapons are in there exact spawn locations, so it all plays out nicely.

    For the bases, I researched previous Coagulation remakes and tried to come up with a new design. However, seeing as I'm not a very experienced forger nor very skilled at toying with ideas while in the forge (I prefer to write stuff down before hand and then follow the list, like a Lego instruction booklet almost), I decided to take key points from each of the remakes and put them together. Also, I added in the details the previous designers had missed, such as the ambient lighting in the cellars and the raised platform for the Banshee.

    The weapons list is:
    x4 Magnum
    x4 DMR
    x4 Plasma Rifle
    x2 Sniper Rifle
    x2 Shotgun
    x2 Concussion Rifle
    x2 Plasma Pistol
    x1 Rocket Launcher
    x2 Needler
    x14 Frag Grenades
    x4 Plasma Grenades

    There are also two power-ups on the map:
    Active Camouflage

    The map supports a whole host of gametypes from Halo 2, including Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories and KOTH. I've included the Halo 2 version of Slayer on this page at the top.

    Time for some pictures.

    Map Overview

    Red Base Overview

    Red Base Front

    Red Base Back

    Red Base Top

    Red Base Main Room

    Grav Lift (the same in both bases)

    Drop Hole (again, the same in both bases)

    Red Base Banshee Cellar

    Red Base Shotgun Spawn

    Red Base Teleporter Receiver

    Rocket Launcher Spawn

    Needler Spawn

    Rock Garden (Blue Base Teleporter Receiver also here)

    Active Camouflage Spawn

    Overshield Spawn

    The Infamous Sniper Ledge

    Blue Base Shotgun Spawn

    Blue Base Overview

    Blue Base Front

    Blue Base Back

    Blue Base Top

    Blue Base Main Room

    Blue Base Banshee Cellar

    Thanks for looking. I played earlier today with my brother and two school mates and the laughs we had were great. Just like old Halo 2 times.

    ...Hey, wait. That's a catchphrase right there!

    "TwiggyShip's Coagulation Remake - Just like old Halo 2 times!"

    Rate/Slate and download. Have fun!


    EDIT: When watching Red vs. Blue S5 again I noticed that I'd left out a few key details of the base design or slipped up on a couple of things. Seems my accuracy claim has been turned upside down! I'll fix these tomorrow and update the map and the pictures.

    EDIT 2: Due to my brother being extremely ill (can't get more ill than 39.6C) I was only able to fix some things tonight. Hopefully, he'll be well enough for me to stop looking after him all night and by tomorrow I should be able to finish things off. If you're interested, here's what I have done tonight:

    - Fixed the floors in the bases so they no longer stick out (I used the pyramid piece to good effect by matching it to the shape of the bases and all double stacking it to recreate an accurate interpretation of the Banshee's raised platform).

    - Altered aesthetics in the Red base: The lighting is gone, the grav lift is now much more effective, the lower doorway under the arch now has accurate decoration, and the actual grav lift area is sleek and smooth. I also flipped the bottom layer of wedges around the base so that they face point down, and added small inclines at four points around the base to make it even more accurate to the game. I'll be adding these to Blue base tomorrow.

    - Added a few rock arches around the front of the base to make it more accurate (I may or may not keep these in the final version depending on how the rest of the map plays out).

    - Started re-working the ledge above the Banshee cellar and it's arches to better match the original. Seems to be trial and error really.

    I'll also be fixing the spawns, editing weapon spawn times, toying with the FX and generally smoothing out the whole map to play better, as well as improving accurate aesthetics all round.

    All this Red Vs. Blue has made me more detail aware. Whether this is a good or bad thing (good; my maps are more accurate, bad; I spend ages analysing everything, noting it down, adding stuff in and boring you all by telling you that I did it) is yet to be seen.
    #1 TwiggyShip, Dec 8, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010

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