CnR City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Darkkaiden, Nov 9, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

Poll closed Nov 9, 2009.
  1. 1 worse

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2 bad

    0 vote(s)
  3. 3 ok

  4. 4 good

  5. 5 great

  1. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    Ok, this is my first map here to post on FH.
    The name of my map is CnR City. You can change the name if you like, but I could not think of a name.
    I would like to thank Maxzy (creator of Vehicle Cops and Robbers map) for letting me use a few parts of the map.
    Basic laws. No speeding, no murder, and listen to the cop. Add laws if you want.


    The cop spawn. (2 parts)


    The jail area (scorpion spawns after 180 sec.)

    Robber spawn (mid-game 2 people already took 2 mongooses)

    The escape pod. You have a 60% chance of dying. Sometimes you get lucky and land back on the level. It's a basic deployable cover/grav lift technique.

    The 2 hideouts. First one has a chopper spawn in 20 or 30 sec. (I forgot which) The second hideout requires a gravlift. Also, the first one has a mauler in it, and the second one has a SMG in it.


    Next we have the lab. It has a grav lift, and the warthog you can take. Unless the cop says you can't. You can hide behind the pallet too.

    The car shop.

    The bar

    The night club!

    Behind the night club is the black market. It looks empty, but has weapons. They're hidden though. Also, there is a teleporter that leads to a secret area with a secret spartan laser.

    Last, but not least, a house in the top, there is a soccer ball.

    If you can try to jump into the ledge and hide out of the cops vision.

    Just tell me what could be changed, and I'll work on a v2!


    Thanks for the help of skulltooth, and other members for help with fixing link
    #1 Darkkaiden, Nov 9, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  2. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    I think that's really cool. There is something I would change though. On the Black Market, I would make that the Robber Spawn. And the cops should have a station, not just a spawn point.
  3. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    The cop spawn is the cop station, but good idea with the black market!
  4. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Thanks and the only reason for the Black Market is because that's what robbers do in reality. They Steal, then go sell at Black Market :).
    I would give this map a 4/5 due to the fact that I didn't like that the Cops just walked around and shot at people while the robbers had to either stay put and do anything that the cops say or they run around shooting.

    Other than that, the map layout was good, nice cop station above the Roadway, and good ideas.

    4/5 :D.

    Also, why no speeding? We can't control how fast we're going, or tell how fast we're going, can we?
  5. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    Lol this is awesome. It has so many things to do and places to hide. I love the nightclub and blackmarket. u got mai dl.
  6. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    I just downloaded. Only one problem, in the Posting Rules, it says not to link to fileshare, so I'm going to give you the correct links :D.


    Game Type
  7. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I don't know how to do that. If you would PM me just let me know how. Anyways My friends who helped me test liked the escape pod! I think sometimes it's fun to break the law! There is nothing like a good chase! Anyways, thanks for all the feedback!
  8. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    Lol, this looks like a very well made, and very fun CaR map. Can't wait to show my friend, he always loved this game. I dont really understand the escape pod thing though, what do you do?
  9. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    It's really no going full speed unless the cop says so. So if you are helping the cop, you have a right to go full speed. Also, if the cop approves a race.
  10. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Now I was a bit unimpressed till ,I think I saw, a geo-merged bridge on STANDOFF! Otherwise the scorpion seems unfair to any side that gets it. As always honor rule maps are not a favorite map to anyone here on forgehub. I like this one, and the pics are just enough to tell me about your map. Though a longer description is needed in this post!

  11. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    It just takes you to the top of the map. Also, if the cop doesn't want to get negative points, he can make the robbers go into the escape pod where they are likely to fall to their DOOM!!!
  12. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Hey Darkkaiden, I'm getting a new XBL mic later today, do you want to make a map with me? I'll PM you some details if you agree :D.

    The tank is an unfair advantage. The Cops can just fire at the robbers and escape pod.
  13. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I'm guessing the capital letters are necessary to emphasize how wrong you are, as this is Rat's Nest (not STANDOFF!!1!).

    Cops and Robbers is also an accepted infection gametype, even though the honor rules are required. The idea is that enough people have played it by now and know the rules, and breaking the rules doesn't necessarily break the game (although the robbers might complain about being shot for no reason).

    Map looks solid, but I'm not exactly sure how that escape box works. The open double box is an immovable object, so how is it possible to get it floating above where it spawns?
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow you really turned rats nest into a map where you can actually play on and tehre is cover throughout the map to use to your advantage.
    Teh old rats nest was just a huge circle to drive around in a warthog in and shoot people.
    Nice job
  15. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    Ok, I'll talk to you about that. I have some cool map ideas.

    And funny noticing what he messed up on with the Standoff. Also the escape pod is a container, open. It is movable. The deployable cover lifts it by being forced upward by the grav lift. I have to say either dl this and check it out, or make your own and see what it does.
  16. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    If you look, I have rated my map. I did this just so I could see if other people rated it. I'm getting sick and tired of not seing what people rate my map as. So don't ask why I voted for my own map.
  17. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    I hope you guys like the gameplay! My friends who helped me test it loved it! Hope everyone likes the map.

    Also, I'll probably take the tank out in a v2.... I just saw the tank, and I thought, WOW!!!! I forgot about this! I must put this in! Anyways, thanks for all the comments!
  18. Darkkaiden

    Darkkaiden Ancient
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    Yeah, that geo-merged bridge was accidental. Me and my brother (who helped with the bridge there and that was about it) just set it to float, and it randomly was stuck into the ground. I don't really know how! lol!

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