I don't know how good these are, they probably suck, I just whipped this up in under 5 minutes, Metallica quote. without the backround (idk why i did this) Different text, backround
well the black lines around the other one killed it, and this one isn't that great either. Awfully big and the text isn't good, takes away from the focal.the bg is ok, but has no flow and is kinda random.
I made a B&W photo of Rob Dyrdyk into a colored one, this is my first "coloring" attempt. Original B&W Spoiler MY Colored Version Spoiler How'd I do, keep in mind, it's my first attempt at this :happy:.
Nice attempt, I would have used lighter colours on his hat and hoodie, other than that pretty good job, just change the colour opacity's.
THanks lots Kuz I saw your gambit sig and some of the words were blurred so I tried takin that approach.Ill change it
Interesting work, I like it but I think you should make the face less contrasted it looks really contrasted in some parts like the highlight and the hair, also try avoiding White for your text, try just taking colours from the signature itself, so maybe a bright pinkish and a darker purple. And go on MSN.
hmm...not the best person with text, but you could try on his right shoulder(my right) dark, or his left hand light...However, your welcome to wait for hells.
yeah, but his left arm looks a little over sharpened, and the effects are off balance with them all on one side.
Oh ok, i see what you saying. I tried to make it look like the c4d was bursting out of the character, and I guess that I did kind of make it unbalanced because of the fact that the right shoulder has a larger width and more c4d to burst out. Ok, ill try to work on that, thanks. Edit: Here you go This is the final sig I made for dream. Miraj helped me with the text
Not the best text but its not to shabby. Its your first non smudgy sig in a while also, overall good job.
To tell you the truth, that is my first sig I used a c4d in. I found out how to use them finally after all this time. I can't wait to use c4d's in my future sigs. Thanks on the review