ok, tried a darker one, added some brown and smudged, added a border, and some lighting Spoiler spoilers r fun. Stock. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70369568
stop smudging the heads of people, they're the part you look at, you don't want to smudge the part you look at. Other than that its okay...just keep practicing.
From last week, I had originally planned on entering this in the 2v2 until Hari set me straight, I have a better one for the contest, don't worry about that. Doesn't really matter who CnCs, I was going for a subtle look you could say.
Seems a little plain, looks like you could have worked some depth into it a little more, I can't really say much, its not amazing but its also very subtle and simple, hard to say, I would just add some text.
Your first seems a little plain. The drawing looks really good though, nice work man, add some colour.
IMO, that's pretty good, however it's one of those things that even though it looks really good, it also looks really LQ/Web 1.0 at the same time.
Dude, me and Hells are the only people who can CnC here...I know your just commenting, but this could have been done in other ways.
Smudged again,Blurred and sharpened. so you dont get mad at me, the focal was the gun, not his face ;D Ice please.
ok well im not sure how much better this is but thats whi i have you guys so here this is V1 to refresh your memorie: here's my V2 enjoy:
Nice work, way better, the lighting should still be more near the top of Link rather than the bottom. Disturbed quote, covering Land of Confusion by Genesis, amazing song. Interesting effects, it seems a little plain, the text is pretty good, but your effects could be more interesting, it seems plain.
kk, but its kinda hard to tell where the gun is....My eyes are actually drawn to the large bright area next to him. But, the smudging is nice and you can tell the gun was your focal, so its not a complete loss. Defiantly not one of your best, but its ok.
It does look really bad...probably because the bottom...Try putting it on a wooded stock bg or something.
I know for a fact theres a render of that stock....Anyway, if it was stock good job still would suggest redoing the bottom
v2-red looks worse now. Spoiler Stock: http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u252/TheBraxcave/spiderman3.jpg