Sandbox Cluster

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Canadians360, Mar 29, 2009.


I was thinking of remaking this map for slayer and all other normal gametypes

  1. YES I think normal games in Cluster would be incredible

  2. Yea thats a good idea i'd download it.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I might try it if it looks fun

    0 vote(s)
  4. Won't work well start from scratch

    0 vote(s)
  5. Dont bother bad idea

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Callum

    Callum Ancient
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    No ARENA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! But its ok that maps looks amzing for a pree stage and u put all the weapons in which is nice but I think theres a wall that isnt their at start. Its just in a pree stage and I aready think its close to 5/5 :) When are you starting that thread.
  2. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Hey we probbably shouldnt be getting off topic send junction questions to me in private this is still a cluster forum.
  3. Callum

    Callum Ancient
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    HELP how did u get your profile so sick and green and stuff how can I do that?
    Oh by the way nice Game Picks but you should get them of a huge match like six on six.
  4. notte

    notte Ancient
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    Cool idea. looks fun.
  5. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Need some opinions/imput

    Attention anyone who likes my work I'm looking for some advice on a nearly complete map and want some input if you could help I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT. Its a normal map for all 2 team variants and I started on it before Cluster its called Junction and ill be sure to give thanks and or help you when you ever need it.

    Here is an embedded pic:
  6. Callum

    Callum Ancient
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    Hey last night I held a customs game on your map with some friends and we played on your map for almost two hours straight.

    Why didn't you say their was CTF, Assult, and territories ( rediculeusly compettative ) on your map?? We're getting back together for one bomb and neutral CTF but I think well have to up the score to win a little
  7. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for the support
  8. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    haha, like it! Reminds me a little of my Colosseum map, but in sandbox. I like these arena ideas, and I also think the pic of your next map is looking pretty good. Maybe a banshee in that middle platform? Or some heavy-duty gun would be good. Also suggest merging the man cannons, because they stand out a little to much, and those tunnels seem kinda useless, maybe have an active camo in them? I really like the style, sorta keep-it-simple, you know? Once April 9 comes round, I can help you with some other maps if you need it.
  9. The Drow Ranger

    The Drow Ranger Ancient
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    Me and my best friend spent a total of 30 seconds on this map, and we already think Bungie should replace the standard sandbox with this.
    Right on man!
  10. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    wow saying my map should be the default map is a huge complement and I'm glad u enjoyed my map so much. I'm working on having my new map Junction done by Saturday night but I don't post anything till it's up to my standards so it might be Sunday.
  11. Callum

    Callum Ancient
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    Hey I was looking at your photo bucket account and I saw like four different maps screenshots and some pics that looked like they go to a story or something are you gonna try and post all the maps at once and if you were going to make a map with a story line that would be sweet.

    Forgot to say I'm still playing on cluster all the time it never gets old.
    #51 Callum, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  12. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Hey look callum I understand you like my maps but you should know that by sneeking in and exposing my stuff you create more work for me. I had to deleate all the picks and start a new photo bucket to stop any early viewing of pics.

    You've now delayed the release of my maps that much longer. Next time just keep that stuff to yourself ok.

    And yes I'm making a story to go behind maps yes map*S* but of course you didn't see any pics of them since I'm taking them in a seperate acount. But I will say they will be called the (drumroll) Mark Cronicals and it will follow something that would be totaly possible during the halo wars time period.
  13. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    New map

    To anyone Following my maps my next one is out called Contortion.
  14. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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  15. CK CUJO

    CK CUJO Ancient
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    I just want to let you know that I believe you ripped off OctoDeath's remake of Foundation called 'Excavation'. Perhaps you didn't, but I reported it to him and to the authorities. I'll let them handle it.
  16. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    WOW, I Downed it the other day, and played today, and it is pure Awsomeness. The only thing I despirately ask is to put AR ammo in the arena, beacuae you run out quickly and the AR is default, so please put a couple of AR's around the map. Anyways dude this is sick!
  17. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
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    Hello. My name is OctoDeath and I spent a considerable amount of time forging a remake of Foundation on Sanbox. This map is called Excavation.

    I'm a little disappointed in this map submission as it doesn't rip off my map, it directly steals from it. You have loaded the variant up, refashioned it and saved it. I'm well aware that I have forged a remake of a Halo 2 map and therefore I know that the design isn't original. That said, you have directly lifted someone else's (mine) work.

    You didn't make the map from scratch as anyone would be able to see from comparing the below two pictures. I don't mean to sound too harsh on you, this is after all a game, we are all here to have fun. But you needed to give credit where it is due and not claim someone else's work as your own.





    I have put time and effort into my remake, and I am very grateful for the attention, downloads, positive feedback and ratings it has received. It's not fair that someone should attempt to steal this from me.

    I will report this to the moderators and let them deal with the thread. I'm not vindictive, and if you give me the credit I deserve then I maybe willing to not request you take this down. That said we all have to play by the rules of the site so ultimately it is for the mods to decide.
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    OP, all you did here was take someone else's hard work and marginally alter it in a feeble attempt to pass it off as your own creation. "something I saw in a YouTube movie"? Give me a ****ing break. Map theft is not something we take lightly here, even though this has seemed to slip through the cracks. All you had to do was mention that you took the outer ring of Octodeath's map (where all the pain-in-the-ass forging took place, by the way) right at the beginning of your thread instead of shuffling it down towards the bottom where you knew no one would bother to look. I'm going to do whatever I can to see that proper actions are taken against you and this thread.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    I would suggest not using someone else map next time and try to come up with something on your own. No one else sees that this is a ripoff?
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    do NOT try this again.. ever. You are damn lucky it took us this long to see it. Consider yourself blessed.
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