After an evening of myself and Burning1nWater fooling around in campaign, we moved on to Zealot. After little to no deliberation, we decided to build a clubhouse in the secret room beneath the map. Using some good old Halo 3 merging techniques, we constructed a floor of crates, covenant barriers, and sandbags. Upon finishing nearly two hours later, we realized we could have made it out of upside down vehicle cannons. That however, would have been far too easy. Complete with healthpacks and groovy lighting, I present to you, our clubhouse.
Needz moar interlawkz 1/10 On a more serious note, there's not much to say. It's an empty room. Refreshing to see non-Forgeworld maps, I guess.
The whole map is interlocks! I suppose it is just an empty room, but you can hide in the walls, and it was just some fooling around.
I'm going to hell for this, but I laughed my ass off when I saw all the dead spartans in the second pic. Nice morgue-clubhouse. And on topic, I like the use of sandbags as pillows. The aesthetics of Zealot are so drastically different from any Forge piece, it's very different and inspire a whole different feel. Very creative, I've never even been in Forge mode on Zealot after 10 months of owning the game...
Integrating Covenant aesthetics on a Forge map is very inventive. Whilst it's a bit bland besides some sandbags (Pillows presumably) and the central piece, good work. I'm unaware of the Budget on Zealot but I know it cannot possibly but anything substantial. Good work for using what you had and going outside the box.
The idea of using a non-forgeworld map is very creative. So what if it's bland at least you thought out of the box!
Needs less interlockz. 0/10 I wasn't actually aware of this secret room, so I assumed from the thumbnail this was on Spire. It's definitely a great place to build an aesthetic map, however small it may be. The central beam gives the room a unique look, and your flooring shows your perseverance...or the fact you overlooked Vehicle Cannons until the end. Whichever you prefer.
Clan Base anyone? On a serious note, it is refreshing to see a non forge world map, but then again, you can't create much on Non Forge World maps. 6/10.
Interlox FTW!!! Love how you can still H3-merge things here in Reach, which I didn't know you could do. Anyway, it looks nice but it's just a tiny room with a floor and energy dancepoles lol, not much else...
For the originality, interlocking and for still prett fun for certain Gametypes(Hammerzeit, Swordslayer) i'll give you a 9/10.