-Club~BEAR- This is a club/Hangout place. You get the idea a C-L-U-B BAR THE POLE POOL UP ELEVATOR To the LOOKOUT POINT DOWN ELEVATOR To The FIRE ROOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Download -Club~BAER- Download Clubing -gametype-
I don't feel like I can see all of the map from the pictures you have, but I like the fire room, and the green behind the pole. I don't know what it's meant to be, but I like it.
ugh. why are these stupid club maps still being made? no one uses them anymore! And when they do, they only use the best. This is too bright in some places and too dark in others. TAKE OFF THE FX! And your interlocking really needs work. The blue behind the bar is simply horrible. The pool is the best aspect and it is too deep. But, if that's what you were going for, it is very nice! I give this 3/5. The pool got you the points.
Never once have I ever encountered a party willing to hang out in a club and mess around. If they ever do, then they'll play on the Mile-High Club, which is a ton better than this. I honestly have to say that no one could ever play on this map besides you (creator) and your friends. I'll give it a 2/5. Harsh, but this needs a wake-up call.