Map: closed towers gametype: slayer or team slayer pics: Its like a hole new map in valhala for close range combat this maps works great for up to 8 player or 6 they are inside the bases of valhala and have 2 hidden weapons that are the energy sword and the shotgun this map is based on skill!!!! prepare for the fight!!! Can you survive?
uh....what? your extra exclamation points don't hide the fact that there's no pictures dude. you probly won't get any downloads without em. check this thread: that'll give you all the info you need to fix your post
welcome to forgehub if you will plez put inbeded pics so we can see your map thanks with extreme bib bob
ZOMG!! THATS AMAZING!!! no really i want to emphasize what everyone else has said. why can't people read the rules? (i didnt on my first post but its still bad)
Why do people think that a map posted like "HEY CHECK OUT THIS MAP! IT'S AWESOME!!!" will actually get downloads?
I checked, he must've made this a while ago, just registered on forgehub and is gonna post all his maps. Because if you post a map with no screenshots on forgehub, no one'll download, and its gotten 112 dls so this must've been on bungie for quite some time
no pics, barely a description and no matter how large or bold your wrting is and no matter how many !!! you put at the end of a sentece will make this post good.
So basically all of you in this thread instead of kindly trying to help the OP out would rather make fun of him and be unnecesarily critical. Well here is how to properly reply to an improper post: "Hey welcome to forgehub, I can see that you found your way into our map section. Well what you may not know is that we have a few regulations on how to properly set-up your post. These rules are in place to allow you to show your map off to the rest of the community and make a nice presentation!" Now I would hope that in the future that you will all learn to be nice and to kindly help out the newer members.
What rusty said, except to add that the rules state a map improperly posted gets locked after 24 hours of neglect, so get on that if you would please OP.