Oh damn. that is some crazy luck right there. Someone somewhere in that vid someone was shitting bricks.
I wonder why the guy was driving that fast anyways, because he didn't slow down after that if you keep watching.
Wow what a pro. Maybe he was late for work after spending 2 hours in the bathroom vommiting watching 2 girls one cup
Wow, where in the hell is your imagination at the moment? Because I never would have skimmed the top of that subject, or did you just watch it? lol
ok fair enough. I thought you were some weird ass person mentioning it. That guy was just so lucky. I mean if it was like a tenth of a second later he would of been dead for sure.
This almost looks staged, because the guy in the black car had a pro reaction time. I never look to my right while going through a green light and I wouldn't have seen the guy coming past those 2 vans. Just an opinion, not saying it isn't real.
hahaha wwwwwwtf crazy ass guy. imagine if the guy on the bike got hit at those speeds....ewwww. messy
Great reflexes for the person the guy almost hit, if she didnt hit the breaks a little right then her front of her car would be gone. That guys a ****.