All you pretty much have to do is ram into the wall as a monitor, then upon collision changing to spartan. Timing it perfectly at a fast speed would ultimately kill you, and your corpse should end up as a clone. You have to be off-host to do it, however.
Lovely, that is very useful information. LOL Not really, but still I suppose it's worth showing people even if it hasn't got a practical use. I'm guessing these disappear on new rounds?
Well, on a slightly off topic reply, I have and use that helmet. I love EOD fr some reason. I will use it (Over Recon and CQB) until I can get Haunted or Gungnir. On topic, I don't see much practical use here, other than lulzin around with some friends
It doesn't have to be a wall. I managed to do it by evading at 300% speed out of the hangar. Nearly made it onto the lagoon's sand. Perhaps I did because my body flew forward into the playing field in a standing position. It resulted in some lols in the middle of the game.