Edit:Nevermind, I was wrong So today I get on my xbox to work on a project I started last night, and after some forging I decide I need to redo this single box I have that has a bump I can't ignore. So I deleted the box, set up some fence walls as guides, put a man cannon to press it into the corner so I don't have to save and quit(BTW does anyone else do this?) and then I start nudging it into its corner where it will rest. Then a strange thing happened, when I got it pretty close to where I wanted it, it cloned itself. It split into two boxes, and the new one floated smoothly out to the side(I believe outside the man cannon's range) and then it just stopped. Where I had one single box floating off the ground before, now there are two single boxes side by side, level with each other, lined up as if I had guides to get it to rest there, but there were no such guides. Here are the films: Just the interesting part Full film It happens about 2 minutes before the end. Before anyone asks, no I was not on Xbox live or with anyone else in my party, I didn't even have the Ethernet cable plugged in until I wanted to upload to my file share. Regarding the map, this whole Smashed/Octoplex uproar actually inspired me to make a map to submit to Atlas, now that I see I don't need to spend 200 hours making everything absolutely picture perfect, and THEN test the map and make another 150 hours of adjustments. I don't mean to disrespect the efforts people have put into their maps, I'm just not the kind of guy who can sit like that for hours on end redoing the same thing till its perfect. So far its been about 4 hours of building, but I'm freehanding it rather than using sketchup or anything, so I've had to do some rebuilds of structures I don't like. Map just started with the idea for the "wings" off the center structure and I rolled with it from there. Anyway, back to the point of the thread, has anyone ever seen an object clone itself like that before? Do you know what caused it?
Dear god, are you serious? Did you try spawning the rest of the boxes to see if you could get more than the maximum allowed? Did you save the map? If so were both boxes still there? If this is true you might have figured how to get beyond the item limit.
Map is saved, all I did after that happened was walk around trying to figure out what exactly I just saw happen, then save as new and quit to capture the film to put here.
Oh the joy if this was found. Well i can't say this happened to me before, but wow. You actually might be on to something, or it could be just a random glitch.
Ya i figured it would be funny what I said lol On that note, it probably just is a random glitch but u never know maybe it was just a very odd random glitch u got from merging
False alarm, the box I wanted to replace and thought I had deleted was actually not, just set to not spawn at start. Still weird that the new box floated perfectly out to the side, but this isn't some fancy ghost box or anything. I was too quick to post cause this freaked me out
Yeah, this happens all the time to me. It dummies itself. Most of the time the box deletes itself when you end the game though. Did your's do this? It's kind of similar to this glitch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq_G5AmL7OU&feature=relatedHowever it does it on it's own, and sometimes with immovable objects without even spawning two. EDIT: Oh. I guess i spent too much time looking for the video.