ok lol i hope its good this time this is my republic gunship, it took almost 4 hours to complete :its not just for looks, its totally playable :2 side cannons plus front guns that fire :also lots of little details the screen shots cant show theres still a big budget left incase you wanted to add more vehicles or items to make it even more playable /http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=29539211 so if your a star wars fan. or anyone that likes a well forged map please download and rate, thanks
Errrr.........teh pix no work. =/ please read this article and perhaps it might help u out a lil bit =D http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1200 EDIT: it looks really nice dude. i shall check it out....if i have ny room for new maps....
just save the picture onto your computer in a folder by clicking the picture on bungie.net and pressing save. then sign up for photobucket and upload your images there. then use the image gode thing and paste it onto your thread and you're done. p.s. i just got this from the top of my head so someone tell me if i forgot something
yeah and i have to say that it looks realy good especially the pic of it firing i was right back in the movie!
very cool, the wings are kind of long you could try to interlock them into the body but otherwise good job
Looks pretty good though the wings look a little too long, like nullstar said you could interlock them into the body to make them shorter.
yeah thats the only part i wasnt pleased with ..i thought about interlocking them more but wouldnt that mess up the angle? or make the ends stick out of the top? anyways thanks for the good coments
for some reason i cant get my windows i.d. to work so i was wondering could some of you guys help my thread out on bungie.net thanks
I don't think so...If you move the wings down a bit then interlock it, you might get it to look better. Or you could use sign As and Bs
Yes, it's relatively good looking, but just how many people are going to post maps with the republic gunship!? There's like five out there, not counting the v2's. It's all over the bungie forums too. I'm not saying it's bad, but couldn't we get a bit more original. What about an AT-AT on Avalanche?
yea i know but the only reason i made this 1 was because i wasnt realy happy with the others.so i decided to make my own version . and lol theres quiet a few at at's out there most arnt to good IMO zstrikes is the best so far, yet agian IMO ..thanks for the coments :}