This notice is brought to you by the Forge Hub Map Breakers: The purpose of our group is to help make the communities maps better. We are here to break you maps, so you can improve the next version. We are here to help. This is an official notice, telling you that your map is breakable. Before you panic, be aware that you can change the download link your post to an updated, non-breakable version. Number of Exits: 1 Film: Slot 2 Description: Fusion coil jump, walk along ledge Possibility of escape: Moderate My GT: Warfang326 My Review I applaud you for this feature worthy map. Its almost perfect, and is built with supreme precision and glitching. All of the areas of the map flow together (its an inexplainable feeling). The lift works well, and there is a good variety of weapons. Final Score 5/5
ok first off the map is quite sexy, ilove the curved walls and the catwalk that goes around them, the switch is a nice touch and the ladder is good. I like the way the map flows and how it gets big, then small then big, its very nice. Team slayer was very fun, all the spawns were good and the weapons were placed well, all in all great job, i reccomend everyone to download this, great job i love it.
Thanks to everyone for reccomending this map to be featured. I have a good feeling that it may get it. Same to yours Paulie. Anyways this version I did a slight update also if you didnt notice. I redid some spawns for different team spawns. and some for special neutral 6 person FFA.
You need to fix the breaks in the next version asap. And yet it still is the sexiest casual map I've ever played.
If you can remember, I told you that I was a big fan of clock works, and glad to see your map with good feedback. The interlocking is amazingly smooth and the door switch is raw originality. So, your map deserves the 10/10 rating
Hrmmmmmmm... Seems a bit small, but hey, it's Foundry. What can ya do? The level of intricacy seems somewhat poorly distribuited, with tunnels, walkways and ledges abound on the blue side, but a lot of barren spaces and, honestly, not much room to manuever, on the red side. Now, if this was purely designed for One Flag or One Bomb, It might work quite well. But that doesn't seem to be the case, as the pictures and the description seem to indicate that it was designed more for 2v2 or 3v3 slayer. In short, balance issues plague an otherwise well built and interlocked map. 4/5
ok so hears the deal, I'm re-making clockworks from scratch. The reason I'm doing this for some very good reasons. I need to redo this mainly because many people keep saying,"this map can be featured but it needs a few tweaks..." so I decided screw it, I'm remakin this. So the new map notice how I didnt say new version, is going to include the switch but instead its being moved to the center curve so that it is easier to push. Also there are 2 switches now. Another thing is, I'm changing the terrain to help the map flow better. Although the terrain is changing, I am keeping the original layout which was favored by many people. Apparently someone gave the post a **** rating for no reason which is kinda funny. But thats about it then other than the fact blazeisgod may help me with spawns and gametypes.
The map has no tunnels, no ledges, and no blue side and is covered in box cover so i have no idea what you are talking about. You really have to rethink youre posts and actually try playing the map if you are going to leave a good post. BTW, i appreciate youre 1 star rating on this post. (NOT..)
i loved the layout of this map. the gameplay was awesome and it was professionally made. although i would like to say that i looked aroung and using the crane, you can break the map. you need the fuel rod cannon and you can do it. it is really easy considering how close they are.
Actually you cant break out by getting on the crane because you simply cannot get on the crane. Even with the fuel rod gun you cant. The only way to get out is probably by watching the little video there that the FH map breakers left behind.