Clocktower V 1.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by I Flatulated, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    I've become very excited recently about making small FFA maps that play best with 2-5 or 6 players. I never seen a clocktower made on reach before so I figured that I should go for it, and wasn't happy as I felt I should be with the asthedics on this map because I didnt come up with the idea to make this a clocktower untill I was about a 3rd of the way done.
    This is the first attemt at making a clocktower. I figured I'd post this map as well as my other clocktower map to see what people think, witch one they like more?
    this map is symmetrical, and the other one is asymmetrical, so this one has two sides one green and one yellow. Two stories, and gears that you can only get on with a jet pack.

    Playes best with 2-6 people FFA..

    I have edited this map it now has
    2 dmrs
    2 focus riles

    • 2 shotguns
    • 1 plasma pistle
    • 2 needlers
    • 2 grenade launchers
    • 10 plasma grenades
    • 4 fragment grenades
    middle above second floor

    yellow side 1st and 2nd level

    green side 1st and 2nd level

    yelllow side 1st level Team spawns

    green side 1st level Team spawns

    middle courtyard 1st floor

    north side same as south side conecting second storie bridges
    #1 I Flatulated, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  2. Draco Cosimo

    Draco Cosimo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Great Job

    An excellent map, however, I would show where the spawns are next time, weapon placements, AND I would also add more ranged weapons, like DMRs or even a Focus Rifle or two, so people can balance out the combat between ranged and close-quarters. Otherwise, it seems to be an excellent map, with plenty of cover, and spread out very nicely. I would also recommend bridges, and perhaps you could make it compatible with headhunter as well.

    7.5/10 :)
  3. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    Oh good call I will add some longer range weapons soon, and it would be funner if I added head hunter and odd ball maybe stock pile.
    there already are bridges. The pic on the bottom is a bridge, its blurie though ,and I dont know why.sorry.Ill labe it better. The spawns are scattered cause I made this map for free for all. There are spawns for teams of 3 in the 1st level yellow and green pics.
    #3 I Flatulated, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2010
  4. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Unfortunately someone beat you to the punch on a clock map with superior aesthetics. Otherwise, this looks like a nice combination of open and closed spaces. Maybe decrease the number of sticky grenedes on the map in addition to adding mid-long range weaponry.
  5. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    lol well I take that as an awsome coment, and complement, because they are both my maps this is the first one I made and the other is the second one that I made. I agree the second has superier asthedics. though this map plays very well lots of fun! thank you.
  6. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Haha, I had even checked the user name on each one to see if it was the same person.
  7. cathper

    cathper Forerunner

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    Noxiw if you would have taken the time to look the two Clocktower maps I Flatulated has masterminded with his godly map makingness, you would have noticed that they are 2 different maps all together, and I agree with I Flatulated that you are being ridiculous when you say "do us all a favour, and dont release multiple "update" threads regarding the same map. who cares, "I think only you Noxiw". They are both worth while dl's.
    With that being said, you might have noticed some ridiculousness with my comments about I Flatulated's map. It was only to compensate for Noxiw's ridiculous comment.
    Anyhow, nice work I Flatulated. This map I downloaded and played multiple times with many different friends, all of who loved it and thought it was, and I quote "epic" "amazing" "frickin awesome" "astheticly impresive", and much more!!!
    #7 cathper, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  8. I Flatulated

    I Flatulated Forerunner

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    thanks you!!! If you like those gears you should check out the other clocktower map I made. Its posted in competitive maps right now also. It has much more intrecate gears.
    Thanks cathper Noxiw was ridiculous I didn't even have to report him someone else must have noticed that he was an *#*# and took his coments of my thread, I new it. I hate it when people try to tell you that you have done something wrong without even looking at what you have acctualy done, on an other much more important note I'm lmao " materminded with his godly map makingness" you are very funny, and awesome you have made my day.

    LD Edit: Just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, it was Noxiw himself who deleted his post, no one from our Staff Team. I aslo thought that you posted the same map twice at first.
    #8 I Flatulated, Dec 30, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010

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