
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by 19Delta, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. 19Delta

    19Delta Forerunner

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    Some people wanted to join the Covenant and built temples to worship their gods. Unfortunately that didn't work out too well for them...

    I've been making a lot of symmetrical maps lately and I'm getting bored with it. I also saw some infection maps with graveyards in them and decided to make a map with a graveyard.

    Right now this map only supports team slayer red versus blue. I want to get some opinions before I go too far with it.

    Weapon/Spawn Time/Spare Clips
    Rocket Launcher/180/1
    Sniper Rifle/120/1
    2 Shotgun/90/1
    4 DMR/45/2
    4 AR/30/2
    2 Magnum/45/2
    Grenade Launcher/120/5
    2 Needler/60/2
    2 Needle Rifle/45/2

    Item/Spawn Time
    4 Health Pack/15
    6 Frag Grenade/30
    8 Plasma Grenade/30
    5 Land Mine/3
    6 Fusion Coil/30
    3 Propane Tank/30

    Anyway, here it is...




    The sniper rifle spawns here. The temple is higher than the rest of the map, and while most sight lines are long, there are still very short windows of opportunity.

    Sandbag Hill
    This photo is from above Canyon Tower looking towards the Temple. This area is mainly just to provide cover to the lower areas of the map to prevent the temple team from overpowering the other.

    Aid Station
    This once was the town hospital, but now it is nothing more than storage. Blue shotgun spawns in the Left Wing.

    Left Wing

    Right Wing

    Its to the left of the aid station and this is Blue team's primary spawn as well.

    Ocean Tower

    Red Spawn
    Red spawns in between the Canyon Tower and the Relic

    Canyon Tower Front

    Canyon Tower Back

    Canyon Overview
    #1 19Delta, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a disastrous collage of different gameplay structures, that in all honesty look and probably play bad when combined.
  3. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If you mean that the pieces don't produce any cohesion with each other or their environment, I have seen far worse...
  4. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this maps looks cleanly forged. the pieces are straight and there don't look like there'd be any bumps.

    the temple area seems unfair though. it's the highest point on the map AND where the sniper spawns. With the long sight lines and expert could go up there and dominate the whole match. there's also only one main way to get there (no side roads), making it easy for the sniper to spot enemies.

    I think the shotgun is practically useless on this map due to it being so open, unless they were planning on just camping in a building.

    the structures could have more aesthetics so that you can really tell what they are. it's great when I can look at something in a screenshot and tell what it is before reading the description. from what I read this is meant to be a covenant styled map; if so you should replace some of the human things (crates, barriers, weapons etc) with covenant things. you could also make use of colors to help fit the theme.

    the area behind the relic and canyon tower seems like it isn't meant to be there. you should put up a wall or something so players won't travel there thinking there's something back there.

    the weapon placement looks unfair as well. If it were a race to the sniper blue team would obviously win. the rocket launcher looks closer to the blue spawn too.

    this map could be awesome, but just needs a little editing and stuff. I'll get a game on it and see how it plays though.
    #4 Auburn, Nov 22, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2011

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