
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ChrisPolney, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. ChrisPolney

    ChrisPolney Forerunner

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    Watch YOUTUBE video here: YouTube - Cliffside | Halo Reach Forge Map

    Hope you aren't afraid of heights. Battle atop this Spartan Training Facility built off the side of a cliff.

    Description: Hi there forgers! This is my first map on this site. Its an asymmetrical map designed for Team Slayer or Free For All Slayer. The focal area of the map is on top. All player paths go straight to it. Whoever dominates this area is going to win.

    Map Details

    This is the most popular area in the whole map. All player paths lead here.

    Red Base
    This is where the red team spawns on Team Slayer. The red base consists of two floors. If players go throught the bottom floor, they will find powerful weapons. If they go to the second floor, they will reach the map's focal area faster.

    Base Front
    This is the first floor center of the map, right under the focal area. Player's will find the sniper and grenade launcher here. Two gravity lifts will take the player straight to the second floor

    This is where the rockets spawn. A shortcut from the third floor leads straight here.

    Rocket Drop Hole
    This is the above mentioned shortcut. If player's fall through here, they will be rewarded with the rockets.

    Near Blue's base is the sword spawn. A teleporter lies right next to it, allowing easy access to the map's focal area.​

    Download Here: : Halo Reach : File Details

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