Hi everyone, im Crimson Phoenix originally Bushy Ben, and im new to forgehub. ive been visiting this sight ever since a few months ago after vewing some maps and getting some forge ideas and decided to forge some of my own maps and possible aesethics. Ive been a forger since i joined my first clan, and now i am head leader of my forge division in my current clan. So after seeing these incredibly awesome maps i decided to make some of my own. Introducing Cliff Hanging. Red vs Blue style map with gametypes such as Slayer, CTF, and Oddball. Sorry if this preview doesn't meet standards this is my first time posting. Map consists of: 1x Shotgun 1x Rocket 1x Sparten Laser 1x Needler 1x Sniper 2x DMR( 1 per side) 2x Falcon (1 per side CTF only, hopefully it works, may have some tweaks) Hope you all enjoy the forge aesthetics and hopefully it flows well, ive played alot of games on it and most of my friends enjoy it, i just hope all of you forgers here do. Red Base with Red spawn (turret,Falcon,DMR) Blue Base with Blue Spawns (Falcon and DMR) Neutral Base ( Sniper on top) Neutral spawns Also thanks for the help Wafflexboy Enjoy! don't forget to comment with tips! Thanks!
there already is a map called cliffhanger, although i think yours fits the tittle a little more lol your Neutral Base looks awsome, but boy do those bridges look ugly lol overall it dont look bad, nd ill give it a download nd try it out, let u kno more then
I have to hand it to you, you used a rarely used section of Forgeworld, Great Job! Although, i think the bases are a little too close together and yes, the bridges are damn ugly. Not sure what you could use in place of them, maybe some cleverly placed 2X2 flats could spruce it up a bit, ones with slow arches? Maybe the overview does not show one of them. BTW, they are gonna get onto you for not having a thumbnail image in the forum, you might want to fix that? Welcome to Forgehub!
wow, this is actually really impressive for a first post. When I saw that it was your first post, I thought it was going to be a boring map inside a grey box. But no, you've actually made a good looking map with lots of nature in it. I think you have lots of potential to become a great forger, but the one thing I would fix would be the bridges, if you would change them and edit the pictures to show that you did it would be an awesome map. (if you want help with the map add me, my gt is Beybok.)
This map looks great the bases look great and I love how you used untouched parts of the pallet to make your bases such as the ramps I also love what you did for the man cannons. I have to agree with every one though about the bridges because they just ruin your map I would not have them so long and twisty if I where you because 1 they are ugly and 2 they are pretty narrow and cause people to fall off of them. Besides that this is a great map and welcome to forgehub.