Legendary DLC Clifffside

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by C0RRUPTl0N, Feb 3, 2009.

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  1. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    I still wanna say...

    Hope everyone likes the map.. I feel I should be more honest about what I said about the hub.. I really do like this site, I just hadn't figured it out yet and it totally stung me for it. I do infact like this site and plan on post my biggest map yet and its a complete map above ghost town. thanks for your replys .. i know i cant spell..
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    wow this map looks really interesting
    i saw when you posted your other map and it was fantastically done
    the aesthetics are truly phenomenal
    all this makes the hyped to test out your map

    I'm sorry, but that is just the rules of the site. The first thing to do on our site is to read the rules. Because we have map posting, we obviously have certain requirements. If you are just working on your post, just make a new thread in the section you want and instead of posting it and editing it, just preview it every time and don't post until you are done.
    That is what ppl do here.
  3. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    I'll be the first to say: "ZoMG you an get up there?!"

    That aside, looks like an incredible map, and it inspired me a bit.
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I have not reviewed the map yet, nor have i got to download and play it yet, but id like to let you know your title is wrong. there are three 'f's in it.

    CO0LBEANS Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool, how did you get up there?
  6. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    I havent posted in a long time, but a map like this brings even the most ardent recluses out of hiding. This is unbelievable. BEAUTIFUL design, colorcoding, passageways, techniques, forge-ability, neatness, aesthetics,competitiveness, and overall fun.

    This is probably one of the best maps i have ever seen do to its assymetrical beauty, how much fun it is to play on and sometimes just to look at, and also, of course, how it is situated in a new place. REALLY great work, guys. I mean it. keep it up! 9/5
  7. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Your design is very jaw-dropping, but there are some flaws to your map.

    1. Don't put a spawn facing the camo.
    2. Put more spawns.
    3. Don't put a spawn near power cores.

    Try putting a weapons list too. Just a heads-up, you are a very good forger indeed when it comes to interlocking, merging, and all those stuff. I personally think that you need to improve on your spawns and maybe your weapon placement. This is an awesome map. It will earn a long stay in my hard drive.
  8. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    its all color coded. that atleast looks good. your problem is you rush with your maps too much instead of actually learning from your **** ups. Spawns are still ****ed up on this one like the last. Your ****ing problem is that your maps are made to appeal to people aesthetically rather than gameplay. Next time put some ****ing pics of gameplay or atleast try to get some pics of a test instead of rushing to post. 0/5. Asethetic fail.
  9. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    wow corruption buddy you have really proven yourself too be a amazing forger the map looks amazing and you really dont like foundry do you lol

    theres only one thing you need too do for a v2. just make it a bit flatter because little parts look bumpy
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I played the map Corruption and when I say that it's better then Olympium I mean it. It is forged much neater then Olympium but my my... it is much easier to get out of. All I did was hopped off the level and walked over to default Avalanche. But lucky for you, this is easy to fix! Just make a v2 with Gravity Lifts set to Instant Spawn and it is impossible to escape!

    Very good map and I give it a 3/5 due to easy escape, and the bumps. I do know that it could be much neater and that I wouldn't have to hit a bump every few feet if you would just spend longer then you do on a map. I understand that the color coding is hard and all but the colors don't matter as much as the neatness.

    Your pretty damn lucky to that I don't seek revenge to, because after what you said about my map (Which got you banned) I was really confuzled.
    It's not a mystery as of what you said, but with how horrible you are at typing... I highly doubt that you had a decent post coming. Even if you did get banned before posting the real post for this map, I still could care less.

    You shouldn't be spamming like that, we don't appreciate that behavior on Forgehub.com.

    Back on Topic though, the map could use a lot of tweaking. Like by making the surfaces flat, you could get a ton more downloads.

    Please everybody, stop saying "Feature NAO!" to this map just because the pictures look cool, the map itself doesn't play out well enough to even come close to a "Feature NAO!" and when the day comes that this does become Featured... I think I will quit Forgehub.com. Because this will be the day that people have truly lost there taste in maps.

    If we were going for Aesthetics here, then this would be in the Aesthetic Map section. But get this, it isn't, It's in Competitive so it should play out well.

    So once again, 3/5 for sloppyness and the ability to break out easily. I know that once you are out of the map you can't do anything... but still, it's easy to break.

    This text is red because it seperates what I think about your map, and what I think about you. It is not our fault that your other posts for this map got deleted, it is your fault. It is obvious that you spammed on purpose, and we don't appreciate it. I don't hate you, but I don't like you either. Read the rules before posting and you will be on your way to becoming a succesfull map maker on Forgehub. If you don't like the rules then I recommend you leave and go to a different site that doesn't care about spamming or maps with no description.

    Yes... the spawns do need some tweaking, but I do not find the design Jaw-dropping and errr... uhh... FriGiDD, how is he a very good forger when it comes to merging if he hasn't merged once on any of his maps? Why do you bother saying something that nobody knows is true? His interlocking is not that great because, have you ever played the map? It's bumpy as hell dude!

    With how you describe the map it doesn't even seem like you have played on it, so how can it stay on your hard drive?

    Please, stop hyping this map everybody. Play the map and then come back, the pictures make it look good.

    This is Competitive section, not Aesthetic section.

    By the way, this post probably took me longer to type then it took you to type your thread Corruption. This post doesn't even matter! Your post does, so I recommend that you spend more than 3 seconds making a post next time. Like my map posts, I spent 10 hours making the post for Concealment and that map isn't anywhere close to as good as this one's going.

  11. TKD xspartanx

    TKD xspartanx Ancient
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    ok everyone heres the deal we posted the map just to get it out there, we will be fixing the grav lifts weapon spawns and the mauler spawn and everything so try not to decide 100% if you like it right now judge it when we fix everything.

    Thanks for taking your time to write to us exactly what you think. we are aware of the gravlifts and every other way out of the map they will be fixed in our second version we are makin' all the guns will b fixed and spawns, and there will also b a few extra touches.

    -TKD xSpartanx
    #31 TKD xspartanx, Feb 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2009
  12. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    wow. I simply just love this map. The whole layout is great. I downloaded this map, and looked around in aww. The asethetics are very good,and the location of the map is one of the best I have seen on avalanch.
  13. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Holy crap! O_O

    That's awesome! And it's outside the map! I think you used the view very well, I've gotten outside the map before, and once you're out there, you realize how great the designers are. Great architecture too, it looks very smooth and sharp.
  14. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    QUOTE] Like my map posts,


    You really need to get a new hobby because everyone I ask think that I am a much better forger than you. It's so amazing that your this worried about me making bigger steps than you ever made.. There's pleny of other forgers go bug one of them, because your not getting any followers. And you suck.
  15. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
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    This map was great and it a one of the best maps made on avalance. The only thing that i think needs improving is the gravity lift up to the overshield does not work all the time. But really it is a awesome map.
  16. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Ok that isnt exactly a professional way to reply to somebody. Just ignore what they have to say, there is no need to make this get off topic Corruption.

    As far as this map goes, I believe it is one of the wonders of Avalanche. I really enjoyed downloading it and looking at it. I also liked how you made it only out of blue and red boxes which gives it a generally simple color feel to it. I also love the shield door structure you constructed because that looks just lovely.

    The fact that this is multi leveled too makes it more of a reason to download because you dont show just everything in the screenshots of the map. As far as how it plays im not too sure but I hope it would play nice. Although it seems that the higher side might have a bigger advantage during team games. However the post above me states that the gravity lift doesnt always work. That was true so you might want to fix that.

    Other then those two problems the maps interlocking is clean and tidy. I will give it a 4.4/5 for the aesthetic value of it. I didnt give it anything higher because I have seen better aesthetics on avalanche then this. The main purpose of it however is gameplay. So I do not know how it plays but if I ever get people I will play it.
  17. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Hey, i remember dloading this a couple days ago, ive played it and ive gotta say, im very impressed. is got a really unique layout and the man cannons trejectory is perfect landing on the one platform everytime. out of avalanche also makes the floor outside the map a death barrier, nice ;) the asthetics are lacking just a bit and the gamplay is a bit qwerky, but its overall very good. make a v2 on Sandbox when it comes out, it will be so much better. 4/5 :D
  18. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    another beaty map corruption you are tied with public servant for my fav forger; i love olmpium too and the fact that theyre out of the map, on a mpa other than foundry, and ur awesome at making floating bases; let me know when ur done with ur one on ghost town 5/5
  19. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    You don't be rude. You, sir, have an amazing map here. Making a map with hundreds of floated interlocking objects is truly an amazing feat. However, that does not give you an excuse to be rude to others. Anyways, I love the layout for your map. I especially like the telenode design. This is a high quality map, Im not sure how it compares to Interrobang but it sure looks good. You might just have my download....5/5
  20. FrankFries

    FrankFries Ancient
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    Tis bad. I dont like the presentation.
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