LD are you gonna update this thread? People are suggesting things and you aren't updating... Just aswell I'd like to see some pictures of the map so far.
I will try my best to make a great Maps, not just a random one added, nice Idea Thanks for helping me with it, great Maps deserve great Gametypes How? How? Added Added Wat? x'D I don't really get it, please explain it a little further Boobs are very hard to make, also I don't think they fit the theme well =P I checked the Thread everytime I went to FH, I just wanted to wait for some more replys, but I updat it right now. And I deliver: Wat? wait .. wat? Yes, I am serious, even the last tiny bit of cleavage got deleted. But ... Buy why? Well, because of the lulz! I relocated the Map, but where might it be now? It's still Sandbox, but it's somewhere where no man as ever thought, where no monitor has ever built, Cleavage is finaly at home, somewhere, where no Map was ever built.
Why did you build rebuild it on the secret invisible narrows bridge which is on a 36 degree angle slightly to the left of the eastern-most dip in the dunes?
*Facepalm Ive built a map on all three levels, under the dunes, inside one of the towers, outside of the skybubble, and as a ring around the outside of the crypt (and above it too.) What am i missing, that you could possibly build it in?
I didn't excpet that ... Well, It's at the end of the dudes, half of the Map is abve it, the other half is 'inside' the dunes, giving you a great seizure when looking at the wrong direction
The dunes stop suddently (opposite site of the sundown), it's high enought to avoid constant guardian shooting, far enought in the back to use FX Range and epic enough for cleavage
Mwahahaha thats pretty much awesome. I cant wait for this to come out! its gonna kill some poor epileptic kid though...