Clear Shot

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sugar, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Clear Shot is a symmetrical, rectangular map with a reminding mixture of The Pit and of the odst firefight map, Windward. I spent many hours in making it look neat with every gametype I can think of for this map but balanced and fun. In size, I would say it fits the size of The Cage or Guardion. I always enjoy classical maps that are simple, yet difficult and creative with a mixture of artistic and also fun to look around. I have considered the constructive criticism and changed certain things around the map.

    1 Shotgun- 90 seconds. Spare clips: 2.
    1 Sword- 105 Seconds. Full energy capacity.
    1 Grenade Launcher- 70 Seconds. Spare Clips: 4.
    2 Sniper Rifles- 150 Seconds. Spare clips: 1.
    5 DMRs- 30 Seconds for 1 Spare Clip 45 seconds for 2 spare clips, and 60 seconds for the 3 spare clip DMR.
    2 Needle Rifles- 40 seconds. Spare clips: 2.
    1 Needler- Removed
    2 Plasma Pistols- 20 Seconds. Full energy capacity.
    2 Assault Rifles- 30 seconds. Spare clips: 2
    2 Magnums- 25 seconds. Spare clips: 2
    2 Plasma repeaters- 20 seconds. Full energy capacity.
    9 Frag Grenades- 15 seconds.
    5 Plasma Grenades- 25 Seconds.

    Health Pack- 5 Health Packs. Spawn times: 15 on the bridge, 20 on the natural wall, and 25 in the hallway.

    Small Notes:

    I have set as many gamtypes as I could for this map that fits regular maps. For my testers, I have changed the flag spawn and set the respawn points in the back. The map can handle as many as 10 players without the map becoming too unbalanced.


    I have made the shotgun room larger to set in respawn points and to also help give the map slightly more room. The gravity lifts have been lowered and kill zones have been set over the colliseum walls. I have also set a DMR in the building to get the weapon more noticed on the map. Very little is different on the map other than respawns and more gametypes on the map.


    Green, Purple, and Orange Spawns. Shotgun Spawn.

    Yellow Spawn.

    Grenade Launcher Spawn and Nuetral Camera Spawn View

    Red Hallway

    Blue Hallway

    Brown Initial Spawns

    Pink Initial Spawns

    Red Spawms

    Blue Spawns

    Drop the Shield, Runaway.

    Jump Killer

    My no-scope that made my day.

    A Locking situation

    Final Word:

    I hope that you enjoy the newly improved map and hope to get some constructive criticism once again and positive reviews. Special thanks to everybody who helped shape my map, tested it with me, and helped me realize my mistakes and informed me about them. Also thanks everybody who downloaded my first map. I hope everybody enjoys the map.Click below for a link to the map. Thank you for reading the thread.
    #1 Sugar, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  2. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this map does go by its name...thats bad though...the long corridors are dangerous and can get people killed...and the middle of the map is very open which can get people killed...the map could use a different layout...the map could also use some more aesthetic value to add to the map in some areas...
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I feel the need to tell you your thumbnail image is kind of obnoxious to look at. Please fix it. Anyways, this map's long hallways could be a problem seeing as anyone could easily get picked off with a sniper, going down the hallway. You should probably try to add more structure to the halls to break it up alittle. AGAIN I say rock/grass "gardens" are OVERUSED. Please try to come up with a better way to utilize the tin cup. There are just my opinion, don't blow this out of proportion. On a good note I'm glad you decided to take peoples' suggestions into consideration and try to fix some of the errors on your map. It shows that you are willing to learn and improve and that to me is a sign of a good forger to come. Keep it up..
  4. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the simplistic layout, but anime halo is right, it doesn't look like there is enough cover, unless you designed those open areas to be specifically high-risk zones, where you are exposed while running a flag etc. But I like that it's uncluttered, that appeals to me visually. Dl'ing and will test soon as i can!
    #4 Juanez Sanchez, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011

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