I need someone that's a really clean forger to clean up my map. Some of the structures just irk me with their sloppiness, and i don't really have the skills or the attention span to do it myself. One structure would ideally be completely deleted and completely rebuilt, and possibly redesigned, if it does turn out budget glitched. It is NOT budget glitched right now, and it's almost out of money. When you open the map up just delete all the spawns and weapons, grenades, etc. A time is going to be a lot harder to come up with if you want me there with you, seeing I'm in school. I can play pretty much anytime saturday and sunday. The map name is Fahrenheit, for those of you who were wondering. It's asymmetrical, and is probably gonna turn out best for team games. I would like to be there in the re-placing of weapons, spawns, etc. just to learn more about them. Just post up and I'll send you the map if you're willing to help. You would certainly be included as a creator (I'll do the FH post), I'll +rep you, and it would just be a huge and awesome help. Thanks
I dont care about rep anymore, but mainly because it doesnt exist anymore. lol. But I will be able to help you to clean up. My GT is bobsagetismyhro, I usually get on once a day around 5:00pm central
thanks man, and it probably won't be till around Saturday when I can get on. I'll just be sure to send you an FR when I get on