
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Brucer42O, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. Brucer42O

    Brucer42O Forerunner

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    "He chooses who will stay and who will go" 12-16 players.


    I plan on submitting this map in the Forgetacular contest in the Big Team Battle Division. I've been building it since launch in my spare time, and I would love to hear some feedback from the community on it.​

    I have tried to mimic the playstyle of larger maps like Waterworks and Hemmorage on this map. I have also tried to make the map visually appealing by adding 'clawmarks' into the playing feild. The battlefield consists of two opposing bases divided by a large claw structure in the middleground protruding from the cliff above. Players are encouraged to use the Claw and the cliffside as a tactical vantage point in fighting their opponents, though beware, its a looong fall, and gravity hurts.​

    Bases have both mancannons and teleporters to improve mobilty on such a large playing feild. The teleporters take players to guard towers adjecent to thier respective base which contain a shotgun, a mounted turret, and a mongoose. The mancannons bring players to the mid-field, where they may obtain power weapons such as the Rocket Launcher.​


    DMR x 12
    Needle Rifle x 6
    Plasma Pistol x 4
    GRenade Launcher x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Shotgun x 2
    Machinegun Turret x 2
    Plasma Rifle x 2
    Assualt Rifle x 2
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    Plasma launcher x 1
    Focus Rifle x 1
    Gravity Hammer x 1
    Sword x 1​


    Warthog x 2
    Ghost x 2
    Mongoose x 6
    Wraith x 1
    Banshee x 2​

    Give it a download and tell me what ya think; Any and all feedback is welcome. Currently the map only supports Team Slayer, Assault, and CFT. I will work out any kinks and make the map compatible with all gametypes ASAP. Enjoy ​

    #1 Brucer42O, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
  2. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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    You know? This is really cool. Great job! I might suggest though that you lift your platforms up a little bit in some places so the water can't be seen... unless thats how you you want it.
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Wow. This is probably the fifth good BTB Reach map I've ever seen. You have the creative details, the "assymetric" symmetry, and just about everything else Bungie looks for in their very own maps. I think this has a legitimate chance of winning the Forgetaculer contest if the competition is as bad as it appears to be.

  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This looks like a great map! How much playtesting did you do? The Center of the map looks a bit open, which is why I am asking. The claw is a nice touch but there seem to be a ton of vehicles. I am curious to see how all of them play out on your map. I'm giving you a DL and will play this tomorrow.
  5. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    I had a chance to play on this tonight. It was alot of fun. We played 6v6 slayer, and it was vehicular-madness! Great map, and huger than huge. There's a hammer in the middle somewhere (I'm not sure where it originally spawns) and it shouldn't go underestimated. lol. Hope I get to play it again.
  6. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    Love the claw! Gonna try it out next week. Goodluck on the contest!
  7. Krebotchi

    Krebotchi Forerunner

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    Only Suggestion

    I haven't even played the map yet (loading right now).
    My only suggestion, before you put it through the contest, is to find a new name.
    Clawdaddy doesn't really represent a halo theme, and is too modern (well past tense to the Halo Universe) try something that still represents the bad ass claw, but make it fit with the Reach feel.
    Good work though, I love the look of it and am on my way give it a go.
    Good luck.
  8. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Loved testing this map out with you guys last night. This map is gargantuan. When I first started playing I didn't even know that you could go onto the island. The vehicles and teleporters/mancannons do seem to shrink the map, but in a good way. Makes every area accessible in a reasonable amount of time. The vehicular combat is nuts on here. Didn't seem to completely revolve around the vehicles though, as is the case on some huge scale maps. Snipers at extreme ends of the map make traversing the middle difficult if on foot, but I think that's the way it should be. Gameplay was extremely fun and faster paced than I thought it would be. The claw in the middle creates an interesting visual piece as well as playable area. I remember dying twice up there, once from a sniper and once from falling, and yes, gravity hurts lol. Look forward to getting another game on here.
  9. Cormac

    Cormac Forerunner

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    I really liked this map. The claw is so awesome. One point though, it took me three attempts to use to the mancannon to get on the claw, is this by design? If I was playing a match and I jumped on a mancannon and it killed me Id be very mad.

    Great map though. I would love to play BTB on this.
  10. henk de vries

    henk de vries Forerunner

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    looks really awesome, 1 question though, how far can you get on the island?
  11. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Well, you were part of my last test session group night, if you're interested in playing this again, you can join our next one. I think we're going to play/test again for the next couple Fridays. Anyways, I'd like to play the map again, seeing how I didn't even know you can go onto the island part till the end of the game! lol. But thinking about that now, maybe some of the spawns could use a little attention. I kept spawning (and we just played team slayer) in the center areas of the map, and I don't think I spawned often or ever at the base, where most the vehicles were. I always remember having to walk the opposite direction of the enemy, just to get to a weapon/vehicle to fight them. Maybe I'm wrong, but like I said before in an earlier post, good map!
  12. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
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    This map looks cool, but, it seems like there are too many vehicles. With this many in BTB 3/4 of the players could be in vehicles. I'm not sure if this is a problem, but it seems kinda crazy. The map looks cool though and I hope to play it soon. Also, is it possible to fly to the area hemmorage is in with the banshee? That could seriously hurt your durability score in a review.
  13. Brucer42O

    Brucer42O Forerunner

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    I appreciate the positive feedback and constructive critques. Just thought I'd make some responses.

    I am going for a "submerged" look, and I tried to make the floor blend somewhat seemlessly into the beach. Unfortunately in some places its hard to see where the floor ends and the deadly, bottomless ocean ocean begins - I tried to remedy this problem by placing some rocks roughly where the floor drops off.

    If the water appears to be adversily affecting gameplay, such as slowing vehicals down or making players harder to kill, I'll definately raise it up

    Unfortunately, I haven't done a whole lot of full scale playtesting. College really has a bad way of cutting into my freetime. *sadface*

    I agree the middle does seem a bit open. The area between the platform and the base could benefit from more cover.

    My idea was to use the platform in the middle to divide up the playing field into two halfs, which it does, but from what I've seem it could be improved by being harder to transverse. There is particularly a problem with the wraiths, sometimes they can make it easily across and othertimes i find it impossible. I figure I can fix these problems by simply raising the platform a few degrees.

    Personally I'm not a huge fan of heavy vehicals, as they tend to dominate gameplay. I'm considering cutting one, or both, of the wraiths. I was thinking having a wraith spawn in the grip of the claw and you had to knock it down to drive it, would be cool -- but I haven't found a consistent, successful way to execute this.

    Let me know what you think. =]

    Good point. I originally intended for the mancannon to be a bit of a death trap, but I can see how it would be frustrating, esspecially in MM. I'll probably adjust the mancannon along with the hieght of the platform itself - this should make it easier to get on the claw if you are jet packless.

    I've more or less divided the island in half. The tunnel through the mountian in the middle is walled off. The red and blue base areas from paradiso are in play, and the cliff area between them is in play- the side of the island facing the ocean is out of bounds.

    Again, thanks for the comments and downloads. You've all been quite helpful, and I'll be taking everything you've said into consideration as I continue to refine the map before I finally sumbit it.


    Edited by merge:

    And yeah Clubhouse, I'll probably be on this friday, I'd love to testplay some more maps. The spawning does need some attention. I'm learning the new spawning system as I go, so it is currently very rough. I'll do some reading and try to tune it up.

    #13 Brucer42O, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010

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