Anybody else utilize this style of playing? (on a 360 controller) If you don't know, claw style is where you have your right index finger over the buttons to help speed up jumping, reloading, etc. I never got used to playing the traditional style, so I guess I kind of automatically grew into the claw style. When my friends came over and saw me playing, one of my friends was like "It's funny how you play." and I just noticed I was in claw style. My friend tried it out for the first time and he said it can get uncomfortable, especially if you have long fingers. So, do you guys use claw or traditional style? Or any other style for that matter...
Traditional style. It's how I've played since I was 4, and I have long fingers so I can't do Claw Style. =/
Ive play traditional most of my life but have recently been subliminally creeping to claw. Even though i play bumper jumper on halo. It is helping on cod4 and is not a hassle. Very comfortable. I swap between them for some reason, even during play.
Bumper Jumper! Though claw feels natural since I've just kinda always done it. Not even sure when it started, though it had to be something on the Gamecube. Hard as I try, I can't remember playing a single game on there that would have needed both thumb sticks at the same time as the face buttons since I didn't really play many shooters on it, and Metroid hardly required quick fingers. Halo 2 perhaps? Yet somehow I feel like it was longer. In any case, once I noticed myself doing it, it felt awkward. Its like blinking or making sure you're walking like a normal person(trust me, you'll start noticing now), when you just do it and don't think about it it isn't disruptive at all, but the instant you start noticing yourself doing it it feels all awkward and forced.
Claw? I don't understand. Diagram or explanation plox. I think I'm traditional... Edit: I feel stupid. I realized what it was. And claw is unatural, since I rarely have to aim while using the buttons in COD and in halo i'm not competitive at all.
I play in the traditional sense, but when I broke my thumb and had to wear a cast I played claw-style for a day...sort of. My left hand was impaired so I had to compensate with my right hand. Went to a LAN party during that time, first time playing in a while since the break and expected to suck, was MVP every game XD
Apparently this is "claw". It is used by MLG player, Walshy, and is kind of unique because you use your 3rd finger for the right trigger. Here's a pic: The "tradtional" way is the way the majority of people hold the controller, so there's no need for a pic. I actually began playing video games with the claw way without even realizing it then when I went to friend's houses, they would always make fun of how I held the controller. I was only like 10 at the time and didn't want to be made fun of so I forced my self to play "normally" and that's how I play today.
I tried claw for a few days but couldn't get the hang of it. That was in Halo 2, with Halo 3 I use bumper jumper. It basically has the biggest advantage that claw had as well; melee while turning.
I play on Bumper Jumper. I use my pointer fingers for shooting, meleeing, jumping, and throwing nades. Does that mean I play claw? EDIT: Nevermind, I saw Phenom's pic. I play traditional.
I do on Halo 2 and Halo 3, but i ususally have to be playing the game for quite a while and get into the whole 'tactical' thing.. I havn't done it on MW2 but i suppose you don't need the buttons.
i play traditional I only use my two index fingers and two thumbs.. all other fingers just hold the ctrl.. It feels really awkward when i use my middle fingers for the triggers so the claw would make me feel spasticated personally...
i use traditional for most games but I use a technique my brother showed me where on my right hand all my fingers stay on each of the buttons and I use my thumb to grip the bottom of the controller I'm not really sure what I'd call it.