plz download and recommend to others! this is my first post as i am a new member to forgehub. do i get like a group hug or something? lol. post any comments and hate mssages lol. it'll jus thrive me to improve on my maps and make em better.
•First you gotta tag your own map as the name of your map.(i did it for you) •Then search your map on file search. •Find your map and then use that link. : Halo Reach : File Details •Then post pictures (if you want I could help you with that as well.) [br][/br]Edited by merge: you gotta go to edit message then take the url of your picture you want and go click (advanced) and it says "Thumbnail url" and you post the url there
Interesting map. What's the back behind story? And what's the advantage and key points of the map? Looks like an interesting map, and the thread looks setup pretty decent, now. Doesn't seem to claustrophobic, but seems like a well laid out map.
not really sure what the back story is. just went with what was on my mind and started building lol. not to good at makin back stories either. the two most advantage points would have to be at the top of the satellites and the sniper box. the key spot to go to would be the rocket launcher. hope this helped.
Awesome map. The biggest things I see above the tunnel rocks need something there (close to the edge of the map--10 second timeout in forge). It's too much of a vantage point to get above those. And also, a non-soft safe kill box around you soft safe kill box so when you jump off the edge, you die before you hit the water. There's a few places where you can slide down and not die--not fun finding yourself somewhere where your alive, but have to kill yourself Also, the 1x5's off the cliff holding stuff up is strange in that you can get on some of them. Might try replacing with something they can't get on, or turn them 90 degrees sideways. Critiqued a little hard, so hope it helps. Maybe others would have some suggestions? Again, really great map. Pretty simple and has a lot of features. I really wish something like this was used in place of cliffhanger.