
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by NlBBS, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Claustrophobic will be an objective infection map. The survivors must work their way to the end of this winding path. The zombies will do anything to stop them from making it to the finish.

    The zombies will gain entrance to this path using a few different techniques. They will spawn in a hub. From there, they can go through various teleporters which will take them to different points in the map. Or they can scale the structures and decide where to pounce on their prey.

    I made the foolish choice of not using a better canvas once again, so I'm starting to have doubts of being able to fully enclose the map. I'm at that stage in creation where I look at the map and say, i've gone to far to start over again. That, and i'm reeeeeeeeeeeeally lazy.

    Here's what i'm working with as of right now:

    Human spawn area


    A small slice of the winding staircase


    The lighted hallway, which looks awesome with the FX on


    That's all the pictures I have right now, but i'll try to get more up as I move closer to being finished.

    I also need help with getting weapons on the walls using weapon holders. I can't seem to get them at the right angle.

    If you can help me figure that out, i'll definatly give credit in the final map.
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quick tip, bro: Change the name.

    You have no idea how many times this word has been used.
  3. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    As RaBBiiTTT said above, AND,

    On the winding staircase, is it possible to enclose it as it looks EASILY breakable, which you don't want in a map. Ever.

    You mentioned you 'cbf' to enclose the map, if you don't accept my advice because you can't, then try increasing the wall height and make sure the corners are lined up correctly. Maps can be broken in many different ways.

    Add my on XBL, I'll be happy to help! You'll see me playing Modern Warfare 2 most of the time, but send an invite my way and I'll be straight on! Good luck on the final rendition.
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    The name as of a few hours ago has been changed.... to blam! Sooooo, name ideas would be great. I'll try to get some updated pictures up later today, maybe even throw in a DL let you guys see it up close and personal.

    Also, most of the staircase completely walled to the ceiling. And in the gametype humans will have higher gravity.

    I'm probably going to throw this in the Testers Guild and see what they can find.
    But for right now, i'm working on the zombie spawn hub and adding the "windows".
  5. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    Possible names:

    The Basement
    Spiralled Exit
  6. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Some updated pictures, as promised.

    View of the Sewer




    Part of the staircase, with a zombie window


    Another part of the staircase, zombie window top left


    Now that you hopefully have a better understanding of the map, i'm still looking for a good name. Cupcake is on the right track but nothing quite seems right. Credit will go to anyone who comes up with a good name.
    Final Name:

    Heebie Jeebies on Fear of Heights (not changing, regardless of iif its been used)
    I looked for awhile and couldn't find a map or gametype with these names, so I think im good.

    Testing has begun.

    The map, through countless testing has been determined unbreakable.
    There are seven zombie 'windows'. (perfect timing for Bungie Day, right?)

    All pictures were taken without the juicy filter, the map is much darker and honestly a tad scary with it.

    It may be ready for release soon, but who knows. I'm going to spend some time with the aesthetics and do the best i can (not my strong suit).

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