Story Behind Map One day a group of UNSC soldiers thought upon themselves. "we have had Foundry for such a long time and it is getting so old that maybe just maybe we should REMAKE Foundry". so they went on there merry way building blueprints and hiring retired spartans to help them with there work. so over a couple of weeks they get finished with the blueprints and all........... But there is one problem. THEY BUILT IT TO DANG SMALL !!! so they threw it in there trash bin and lucky me i offered to grab it and put it on my fileshare and thats how this is here today. Screenshots Overview of map Partially walled off back room Back room with overshield powerup Random action shot Man cannon shoot up to bridge walkway Description This map hence the name is pretty small with the acception of some walkways and platforms above the overrall map. but this map is very fun and playable. the whole map is designed and formatted in to the right side back room of foundry with some geomerging and interlocking i tried to design a small slayer map back there. this map does not work real goo on any team variants accept V.I.P but this does work for Oddball, KOTH, and regular slayer. the map has two main areas one is in the backroom were the overshield is and another is were the bridge walkway is were you can get a sniper the rest of the map is pretty hard to stay alive so watch your back.. Download
shield door+oddball=X( ,although i like the originality of it, i mean most maps dont use those and you only use them, pretty ironic. and a weapon list would be nice
It's pretty cool, most of the geo-merging is pretty professional and awesome, but I believe this name is used... Like 79 times.. This making it 80. And oddball on a small map like this would be like an easy triple kill everytime you get the ball (Trust me, I've already tested it with some friends.). Anyway the map concept and layout is pretty sick, 4/5.
Yo Momma's Foot posted a map! YEEHAW! The map looks great. The name is a little overused, but I don't really mind, as its about the quality of the map. I like a lot of your interlocking and geomerging. Very impressive. It looks like the maximum # of players that you could play with on this map is...4. Maybe 6 or so, but that might be pushing it. I also somewhat agree that the shield doors might get in the way of oddball. Maybe you could raise the shield doors so that you can shoot/frag under them, or remove them. Everything else looks great. I downloaded it.
Since i have got so many bad reviews bout the shieild doors i will probably remove them thanks for giving me some constructive critisism so i can make this better