Classic KotH _________________________Overview of the map Recommended amount of Players - 4-6 Download the map here Download the recommended game type here ~=~Remember the old days on the playground, swinging around the monkey bars, going down slides, and the occasional game of King of the Hill? That was the inspiration for this map. Classic in the title name refers to old school real life king of the hill.________________Showing off the aesthetic pieces of "junk" (aka the walls) in the ground This map includes - Interlocking Floating Objects The King of the Hill settings are simple. Everyone is invincible (except for assassinations) because kids wouldn't literally kill each other while having a "friendly" game of KotH. Also everyone starts off with hammers because this is really the only weapon that will help to send other people off of the hill. Also - Gravity is lowered to 75% Some more rules - You gain -1 point every second for not being in the hill, and 1 point every second for being in the hill (also 1 point for uncontested). This encourages people to not stand around and wait for the people to just destroy themselves in the middle. 10 seconds to win the round, 3 rounds total.________________ Top of the Hill - (not show in the screenshots is a fusion coil that spawns after 10 seconds have passed in the center of the hill) _________________If you happen to fly out of the arena, there are teleporters at every wall that will bring you back into the arena. __________________Another picture showing off the interlocking of the hill The reason for the hill being so small is so that it becomes a frantic (but fun) game, instead of another boring version of KotH. Comments and Criticisms are welcomed (constructive ones, that is) Edit : The hill is (hopefully) now straight
looks fun, might want to put together the hill better it looks like you might have to jump, other than that, looks fun
You have to jump, but it's not that high of a jump and it makes it so you can be kept off the hill easier so that the person in the middle has a chance to get some points.
Looks fun. One suggestion though, you should maybe make the hill a bit taller and larger like a ziggurat shape. Keep the hill boundary on top still. It might play a little better that way.
This is one of the most original yet simple ideas, it is like grifball, simple, but can still hold a great game
I'm guessing this is your OCD kicking in? =) I usually like to get everything perfect, but I've learned to let a few things slide because they aren't all that important. If I made it more straight, would it change the gameplay? That's when something is important to change, is if it changes the gameplay. But I get what you're saying, but sometimes it is not necessary. Also thanks for the comments.
It looks good (except for the box in the center) for what you were going for. I think a little cover would be good to have. Will be sure to check out to see if its more than what I think.
i had an idea like this and i started but never finished i like urs simple but small..... mine was 3 boxes high in the middle
To tell you the truth, the middle is poorly done, and you should NEVER be able to get out of a map because people tend to complain that they get launched out of the map and the other people have an unfair advantage. But other than the cons there is some fun to be had with this map. Its simple yet replayable.
I have now (hopefully) straightened the box, and I fixed the game settings. Even though the person was invincible, since they didn't have shields they could be killed, this is now fixed. Also the hill has the height raised so if people are in the air they can still get points.
I only updated the pic with the top view of the hill because that's the angle everyone was complaining about. From the other views it isn't as noticeable and doesn't really need an update. But yeah 16 players would be crazy, I don't know if anyone could get on the hill =)
It looks nice and simple and the arena looks clean (although why do you need walls sticking up if it's just hammers?). The only thing I wonder is how long it'd take to win a game if it's -1 points for not on the hill. Wouldn't most everybody have a negative score?
Yeah I tested this and found that it was a problem, but I made it so you get points for contested territory too because people in my games were going way negative then what I suspected.
Wow, looks great, I love the idea. But when I played a game similar to that in kindy, when we were up top we said that we were the king of the castle and that everyone was a dirty rascle. Nothing about being king of a hill