Class 9

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Devinish, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    This map (To be played with the "Infantry" gametype) brings a whole new idea to "class based" warfare. Instead of picking the class you would like to play as, you are assigned a class by the game. This means you have to change your playing style to best fit that of your class. There are no honor rules needed for this game, only the gametype and map. You get 1 life, shields don't recharge, you spawn with your weapons in front of you. Game is played in rounds.

    Players Supported: 8-16
    Gametypes Supported: Infantry (REQUIRED)


    There are 2 WHEELMAN classes per team, you will know if you are the WHEELMAN if you only have a pistol or assault rifle. You can drive 2 vehicles, or one with a gunner. The choice is yours. After 90 seconds you are removed from your vehicle by the guardians, so make your attack swift.

    The INFILTRATOR class is given invisibility, and medium range weapons. He is also given a radar jammer, and a watchtower to view the enemy's attack strategy. His teleporters, and easy access to the mancannons give him the ability to be anywhere on the map quickly.

    This is your standard human INFANTRY. Armed with a BR and Deployable Cover, he is a vital asset to any area of battle.

    Similar to the human, the covenant INFANTRY is given a Carbine and Deployable Cover, and is just as vital to the cause as your BR infantry.

    The SNIPER, need I say more?

    The GRENADIER is given 2 of every grenade, and a Brute Shot. He plays a support role, and will usually perish if engaged in a direct battle scenario.

    The HEAVY WEAPONS is given 2 Flame grenades, several rockets, and a Trip Mine. Quite a force to be reckoned with. He is also the most effective anti vehicle class.

    The MINIGUNNER must beat his turret down at the beginning to remove it from it's base, and is a slow walker. He is very vulnerable, and is very much a support class. However, if confronted from the front, he is good at destroying vehicles, and mowing down rushing infantry.


    Against all odds.

    Stay alive as a team.

    Sticky situation.

    P.S. Don't stay in your weapons box.

    Thanks to all of the testers who have given suggestions and advice to make this gametype as awesome as it can be. Also, thanks to Tender Bisquit for this beautifully organized post, which I shamelessly stole and replaced with my map's information.

  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    i really dont get the point of this map but it looks pretty good and looks like it might be fun so im gonna give it a 3.5/5

    EDIT nevermind i finally get it so im gonna give it a 4/5 good job
  3. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Wow, it seems that all of your maps are completely unique compared to other maps on FH. The only problem I'm going to have on this one is, is getting a serious party. From the looks of it, you need at least 8 players total. I could do that, but getting ones that wouldn't just run around and not play right would be hard. My gamertags on my signature, if you can ever get some mature people to play this with, please tell me, I'm really looking forward to playing this. And one last question: At the beginning of your description it says, "You are assigned a class by the game". I'm guessing you have just different rooms with seperate spawns and weapons in them, but I don't know. Maybe edit that into your description. Great job again, D/Led. If I can manage some game play on this map I'll edit in what I think of it. I can already tell it's gonna be great.
  4. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    There are no honor rules needed for this game, only the gametype and map. You get 1 life, shields don't recharge, and yes, you spawn with your weapons in front of you. Game is played in rounds.
  5. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Seems very cool! I like the idea of the map and gametype, seems kinda like team fortress... A very good gametype, I can tell. Epic win. I would rate this 5/5. Sorry I'm in a hurry.
  6. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    oh man..... this looks awesome. you put a lot of thought into all the different classes. i think it'd play extremely well. but just like TNF said, i'll never get that many people, let alone that many serious people lol. i'll give it a 5/5 cuz its the best class-based game i've seen yet, and i'll give it a sad face =( cuz i'll never get to play it

    EDIT: if i download it'll just take up space since i can't really play. i'll +rep you though. and i dunno about anyone else, but i think this should go in the rotation for TGIF. maybe THEN i'd get to play lol
  7. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    I love it! Great job on this map. I've been wanting to make a map like this forever, so you gave me some ideas. A 7/5 , +repz and a DL from me.
  8. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Man this is some World of Warcraft crap lol. I love the idea of having a role playing game. Great job im for sure DLing this to check it out ill try to get back to you with a rating. From the idea it's amazing i love the last man standing thing you implemented that way both teams are spectating their one chance of victory.

    Without playing it 4/5 but who knows what playing it will bring... o.0
  9. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Ok i hate it when people say it and i hate it when i say it but... a while back i made a class game called commandos on foundry granted i used much different classes and yours is more professionally done. It's original but i got the idea from a not up to standards thread before i became a member 4 months ago(ish). Oh, well on to the review orginal, only a few maps like it, and the gameplay is outstanding! 4/5 Keep it up!

    Keep Forging!

    P.S. I'm not trying to say you stole i (certainly not from me) in this post, i mean i'm pretty sure you thought of it yourself just stating out that someone posted (not up to standards) an idea like this a couple of months ago.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I like the idea of a classes gametype, and oly having one life. one problem is that you could potential pic up another classes weapos and pwn.
    also did you mod the gametype? how to you get removed from the vehic after 90 seconds?
  11. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I remember running some small-scale tests on this map a while back. Class 6 was always my favorite class-based gametype. And this is a good up-date/grade.

    I remember some problems with very predictable class-choosing in smaller games. Did you manage to fix that (being the spawn master you are) or do we just have to play this with larger parties?

    You can pick up the other weapons, I believe, but since there's only 1 life, it usually isn't a huge issue... just a part of the game. And vehicle driving ability is granted by custom powerups. 90 seconds is the longest they can last.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  12. Devinish

    Devinish Ancient
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    @ Cosmic: The spawn system works in such a way that it usually only grants access to some of the classes with larger parties. So a party with 10 members may never have the WHEELMAN class available to them. I would not recommend parties smaller than 4v4.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Wait so you can dictate which of the starting spawns you specifically use if theres less players than there are starting spawns? Is it like, 4 or 5 starting spawns, then the others are respawn points? or what? your spawning prowess enchants me, not gonna lie. Anyway, I can't believe I haven't played this yet. Soon? Im stoked.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is a very cool concept, and played pretty well once you explained it to me. I didn't know what the hell was going on at first though, lol. That first round I was thinking, "Why do I have a crappy pistol on Avalanche?" But I very quickly got the hang of it and really enjoyed myself. Great job, Devinish.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    If you read closely Devinish built an older variant of this map a long long time ago. Back in December...I'm fairly certain he beat everyone to the punch. Anyways...I have yet to even play the original let alone this beautiful new creation of yours. If you're online this weekend, expect me to bug you.

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