Sandbox Clarion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by HJ117, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created By: HJ117
    Battle Snipes
    Battle Lasers
    Hours to make: 30 Hours
    Track Time: 48 seconds

    This thrilling track is my 6th track and has turned out to be a thrilling 48 seconds! to become if not the longest almost the longest double wide track made! But, besides this the track itself has unique bank turns and is very fun to race. It is open so i dont know if i would play lasers on it but some people might. So i hope you enjoy my new track Clarion please comment and download, and also if you find any cheats or major problems with the track anything that would probably need to be fixed please comment and tell me about it Thanks!




    First Banked Turn:
    Second Bank Turn:
    Third Banked Wave:
    Fourth Banked Turn:
    Fifth Banked Turn:
    Wooden Bridge turn:
    Wooden Bridge Hill:
    Re-entry under the bridges (the side by it is open as well and there are teleporters on the ma if you fall to the begining):

    Download: Clarion

    Hope you enjoy the Map! please comment and Download
    #1 HJ117, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2009
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice spam izano.. or whatever your name is o_O

    As for this track, great! Really awesome looking, the turns are magnificently smooth and there definitely isn't really any straight lines to just drive, which is good in a race track..
  3. Physx

    Physx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A very simple, yet well made map. This turns are amazingly smooth and it seems cool how most of the roads go under and over each other. This looks really suited for Battle Tracks, because of the cool LOSs you can get on people. Overall it's a 9.5/10.
  4. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks alot for the comments and ratings hope you like the map!
  5. Snipez

    Snipez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks has a simple simple but looks really awesome! it looks really smooth with amazing curves and turnsand i really like the way the track goes underneath and over itself. awesome track.
  6. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good job again HJ. I was not sure where you would go with this after that big double block turn, and I have to say, you made me proud to have raced on it during production. I think you made this map with the thought of making a huge track in mind, which is good, but it gets boring if you aren't playing battle tracks or something. There is really only 2 aesthetic things, a little tunnel, and an underpass. Don't get me wrong, this track was made amazingly well! Think of driving on a track being the same as looking out the window when you ride in a car, If there is nothing but farmland outside of your window (which really is all that's in Indiana, lol) you tend to fall asleep, which is a lesson to be learned with making racetracks, but if there is amazing buildings and statues (aesthetics) and such, I'd look and say "wow" or "cool". you get my drift?

    Track itself 4/5
    AMAZING, other than last turn, we went over that... mancannons had to go.

    Aesthetics 2/5
    uh, enough said

    Interlocking 5/5
    great waves and banks.

    Overall 4/5
    There was some amazing things on this track, but nothing that really "Caught my eye" so to speak...

    HJ you make amazing tracks, and I love driving on them and racing on them. I make tracks too and They DEFINITELY are not as good as yours... no way. I just wanted to give my opinion on this track, I hope I don't offend you by saying these things, but i gotta be honest. Great job, I look forward to seeing more man. Great map, I only dream of making tracks as good as yours. I know your next one will probably be amazing too. lol.
    #6 chung_wii, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  7. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I did a quick couple of laps on this while at a friend's place, and i was very impressed. Everything is really smooth. Great transitions. I don't really care for the shield door final turns that seem to be a common theme in your last couple maps, but they get the job done okay. It just allows for too much shield door checking, but I suppose that could be a skill, I guess. Ultimately I thought the map was very good, although a bit boring for ffa racing. I hope to get some Battletracks games on this soon. Nice job. Can't wait for your next one.
  8. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great racetrack, the banked turns unlike hairpins on similar maps, are easier to navigate making high speed races posible
  9. HarryGoss

    HarryGoss Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a very good track but you should have made some scenery to make it stand out from others.
  10. HJ117

    HJ117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea i know i was going to put alot of asthetics on it but the track itself took so much objects up so i cant make anymore objects otherwise i would have hope you like the track though

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