Hello people of Forge Hub!!!!!!! I'm sure everyone here has heard of the KSI clan....Which I'm sure that most of everyone agrees that KSI is starting to get annoying. So I have started a new clan so that we can breakdown the big fuss about KSI. The new clan is called UNGUIDED NONSENSE. UN for short. I'm the clan leader UN Omniknight. The Co- Leader is Favored Guide. The names of the right and left hand men are.....BLUE NINJA 1988 and UN JOED BOZZ. If you wish to join go to UNGUIDED NONSENSE Then obviously click on JOIN THIS GROUP. Just remember you have to be signed into Bungie.net . Oh and if you are in KSI I don't mean any disrespect I just want to start something new.:happy:
so basically you joined this site just to spam about your clan. i'm already in a good one. if you want to battle sometime send a meassage to my gt stin10. ps. KSI sucks. i agree
No I have been viewing this site for some time now I just never had to make an account. And I have lots of people in my clan but like about 90% of them haven't officialy joined on Bungie.net and if I want the clan to get big I need people to officialy join.