Me and my friend were going to start a new clan for Xbox in general. I already started this clan for Halo 3 called Primary Kollateral.(Oh god, I just realised how long it's been since I updated it )But anyways I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a good clan name? Couple of Ideas: -Atomik Doom -The Shadowfallen Knights -1 Shot 1 Kill Give me some feedback, kthxbai.
I started up a clan called Communist Cavemen not to long ago. If anything call it: MILF Hunters MOM Or: The STD's
I don't think we need a repeat of this... [youtube] [/youtube]
Here are some questions and suggestions. What is your clan about? is it a machinima clan or are in it for competition?or Both? these are questionsyou want to ask to help yourself with a clan name. what is your clan strategy like? do you stay back and use clever tricks to outsmart your opponents or do you take the fight to them? Here are some suggestions too: Assassin's of night the monkeyrockets (lol) An clan that uses intials like: STD: Snipers to the death (std lol)
Zombify is the clan name i would pick Zombie map fans... im actually going to go make a zombie map in a bit.
not 1 shot 1 kill cus that is the british SAS, and you could get in trouble for that look at some pro's team names on, and you will probably come up with some ideas also make sure that you can be abbreviated well!