City Streets

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by JackalAnubis, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Epolixa

    Epolixa Forerunner

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    This map looks sweet! From what you described, the underground paths sound like a great idea.

    Just DL'd it with all the recommended gametypes. Can't wait to play it!
  2. Vbdude

    Vbdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    YOu sir are amazing. This map is almost perfect is every way. Please submit this for the Forgetacular contest(even if you don't live in the US, BUngie recognizes awesomeness) because I WANT to play this is MM!

    Aesthetics: 10/10
    Gameplay: 9/10
    Originality: 10/10
    (you see where this is going :p)

    HOWEVER, please add indicators where the edge of the map is, its not too clear
    #22 Vbdude, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  3. Joolander

    Joolander Forerunner

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    After downloading and playing a bit, I'm going to have to agree with Titmar and svonhershman

    I didn't experience an framerate problems, but I was not playing a local game, and did a few games of slayer with one other person. Here are some suggestions:

    -If it were my map, I would start by assigning a color to each building: Red Blue Green Orange, for example.

    -There are no visible indicators of where the edge of the map is. The only thing keeping me wanting to stay in the map when I'm in a vehicle is the object density in the city block, and of course the soft kill boundaries, which seem like a surprise

    -the underground section seems like an after-thought. It feels like I've escaped the map. This is probably due to consisting mainly of the parts you used to make the buildings poking through the low ceiling. perhaps entrances within each building to the underground would help somewhat

    -This might be just be me being unfamiliar with the map, but the only weapons I was able to find were the sniper and rocket launcher

    That said, It is a very pretty map (in most places) that I can tell you worked very hard on. With a few details ironed out it would be a great map in the vein of Headlong set up for BTB
    #23 Joolander, Oct 24, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  4. solid009

    solid009 Forerunner

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    the map is awesome, but there are no weapons on it. the map is so big that it would only be fun with BTB, but there is only about 7 weapons on the map that i could find. i really love this map but with out more weapons it would only play well with snipers invasion and maybe swat. maybe you could make one of the smaller buildings less complex and use the money to place more weapons. my favorite part of the map is that you can reach every part on foot tho
  5. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    I have it set to download and I can't wait to try it! I'm going to "stress test" my system and see if I get any frame rate issues. I'll start with just me and start adding split screen players and see what happens. I have been waiting for this map though so when I get back home on Wednesday I will have a go at it!
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Glad you posted this. I honestly hate the custom gametype. It's just a power weapon overload. Why not just cut out some aesthetics and put some weapon in the buildings? Health packs are scattered and very hard to find. Falcon is extremely overpowering in Invasion. Other then that, it's a great map and is very enjoyable to play. Great job.
  7. Podrocketpwnage

    Podrocketpwnage Forerunner

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    Just as everyone else said, fine work. Especially with aesthetics. I'll download.
  8. TheRevachanist

    TheRevachanist Forerunner

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    Only one thing i would change, is if you could have some more money, i would wall off the astetics that are sticking through the walls in the buildings
    otherwise BEASTLY!!!
  9. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    I remember playing this and it felt very open. I also remember you made a whole empty area under the map with like 2 ways down. I also remember there being a lack of weapons on the map.
    But I do admit you really made some of those buildings stand out... so I'll give you that.
    Basically: gameplay = BAD, aesthetics = GOOD

    Someone's gotta get in here and teach some of these noobs a lesson about spamming.
  10. Neowolf

    Neowolf Forerunner

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    Amazing for infection. Bravo
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I'm gonna have to jump on this ship. The map looks great, but the boundaries are not clear, and the weapons on the map are almost absent. We need some filler weapons on this thing, or the gameplay will be incredibly bland. Plasma pistol, plasma repeater, Grenade Launcher, Magnums, anything.
  12. Rian Ultima

    Rian Ultima Forerunner

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    Wow, I thought yeah the buildings look cool from the outside but they're probably just aesthetic shells with nothing in them. Guess I was wrong.

    Definitely gonna give this one a download.
  13. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    I like the idea and the outside spaces, but I don't like the interior on most of the buildings. I'd also like to see better play between the buildings that ascends rather than remains grounded on the first floor. Neat idea, but it just gets bogged down by the weird aesthetics... Try to limit the scope of the interiors and make it more fun to go between buildings.
  14. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    You were in fact correct. I hopped on this map earlier with Nibs and some other peeps and we took a gander at this map. It really isn't what the pictures make it out to be. The exteriors look great... and well thats about it. The interiors weren't impressive and looked fairly sloppy, with things jutting into each other and what not. It also seemed like the map was built, then the creator had very very little budget left and could not place many weapons at all. Finding a weapon on this map was comparable to searching for Data pads in the campaign, twas damn hard. Later on I got some buddies together and we played a few matches of Team Slayer, and I'm sorry to say that it just felt so disorganized and did not play very well.

    My constructive criticism: Don't just build a map going in with the intent because it seems like it would look sweet, you need a functional layout for gameplay too. You are definitely one of the more talented forgers among these forums, but that doesn't necessarily mean that your maps are going to play well. You could most definitely make a city map that plays well and still gives a realistic urban feel, but you need to take a different approach. Instead of building a map firstly from an aesthetic standpoint and then trying to make it playable, rather you should come up with a good strong layout that should play well and then transform it aesthetically. I don't want to come off as harsh but I want to be honest with you. All these comments from people who just looked at the map, said "Oh em gee, looks fantastic 5/5!" and obviously haven't played it, I'm giving you my honest opinion after a thorough inspection and playthrough so that you can take this into consideration before diving into Forge again.
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I'm going to agree with many of the points made. I just did a solo walk through of the map, I thought the aesthetics of the streets and the outsides of the buildings were great, but the only building I like the inside of was the one building that sort of had a small alley between it and had an actual lobby. The one half had a man cannon that led up to a falcon (unneeded falcon) and the other led to a sniper perch area. That building looked well made at least on the lobby floor. But like others said the inside of most of the buildings look pretty sloppy. Rooms jut out everywhere and ramps connect at weird angles. The "underground" looks jagged and ugly and hard to tell what entrance goes to what building.

    My suggestions:

    1. Take away a couple of buildings, focus on say...4 buildings.
    2. A grid pattern like + with a building in each quadrant would look functionally good
    3. The underground could be like a parking garage. (flat ground with pillars extending up and ramps leading to the 4 buildings).
    4. That underground could be where the vehicles spawn. (giving a reason to go down there)
    5. Surround the city block with say trees, rocks, or other aesthetic things to show where the edges of the playable area are.
    6. Might want to sacrifice building height for building functionality. Make 4 - 5 functional good looking floors for each building instead of 9-10 bad looking odd looking floors.
  16. xKryeZ

    xKryeZ Forerunner

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    You've got my download it looks awesome I really wanted an urban map but all my own attempts failed.
  17. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Inspiring work my friend. Got an early look at this during testing and have since tested it on various gametypes... Flawless. Almost done with a Grand Theft Auto variant (King of the Hog) gametype for it. Possibly the best map submitted yet for Reach. If it's not a feature I would be surprised.

  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty much budget do you still have, if any? I think i'll give it a download.
  19. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey thanks everyone for the replies and comments. I've been busy with work/ other games so I haven't gotten around to any kind of response yet, this is a sort of blanket response since there are too many comments to reply individually. Mostly I'd like to thank everyone for downloading and rating the map
    so far it's received: 21,000 + downloads!

    Boundary markers: would be nice but I think somewhat unnecessary, basically consider the road as a boundary, you have some space to move off of it, but beyond that is soft kill.

    More developed interiors:
    Well this would be nice, but I was going for a BTB type map, so the buildings are less developed, but allow for more buildings on the map. A revision for a smaller skirmish map could be done by deleting buildings and focusing on a smaller area. Some of the buildings are more "skeletal" than others, but have ramps that allow for roof and balcony access for multiple firing positions. So they are functional, but don't always look realistic.

    More buildings: Not all that possible, at the most some prefab buildings could be thrown down at the cost of some other stuff, but probably couldn't get more than 1 or 2 more buildings in there at the most. I think more could be added, but it would have less character and wouldn't be very developed.

    More cover on the streets:
    I added this in an alt version called "City Streets: Coverage", more could be added still by deleting some scenery pieces if you want a more dense cover layout. But again this was meant for BTB so if the streets were too dense it would prohibit vechicle use.

    More weapons: I felt that premade loadouts work ok, even just giving you a starting DMR would probably be ok. Use the "City streets:coverage" version and delete some cover objects if you need weapons on the map

    Falcon is too OP:
    I kinda agree, delete it if you don't want it. I think it adds some fun to the map, and can be brought down with the resources on the map. If you don't like the falcon/want more weapons this would be a win/win where you could balance out the map somewhat, while adding medium/low tier weapon pickups.

    Lower sections should be blocked off/look ugly:
    The lower section is for an alt path of travel. I don't think it would be easy to block it off in this version, but a smaller version of the map could be blocked off.

    More vechicles/warthogs on the street:
    Would be nice, but don't have the resources for it.

    Invasion needs more fireteams spawns:
    I had more and felt they were not needed, if you want more feel free to add them by deleting some other objective markers like rally points, etc.

    Buildings don't look correct: I think this is subjective but they look better than most buildings I've seen in forge. Also consider the limitations of size/complexity/multiple buildings means I am limited to the scope of everything.

    The map is laggy:
    Because of the size and complexity of the map I think you will experience some framerate drops if you are far back enough to have a long/wide view of the city. Although I've only noticed this at the end of a very long street or high in the air in the falcon, so I think it's somewhat conditional. I'm not sure how to avoid this situation besides a completely different street layout with non-grid streets that limit line of sight, or making the map much smaller.

    The gameplay sucks/isn't fun: well I think this is somewhat subjective as well. The map is for BTB games, if you don't like BTB you won't like this map. Also if you aren't playing with a large party size 5v5-8v8, you probably won't really be experiencing the map the way it is meant to be played. I playtested this map many many times, and found it to be fun in a BTB setting. Respawns work the way I intended, and team repsawns will happen depending on what building/areas of the map your team is occupying. The loadouts I created have some basic archetype setups, an option for jetpacks, and a couple "power" loadouts, although these "power" loadouts are close range focused so they don't really overpower on suge a large map.

    Can I use this map for my machinima/ alternate version:
    Of course go nuts with it, just please credit me at some point for the original creation!

    This map should be entered in the bungie contest:
    I am unable to enter because I work in the games industry and know people at bungie, sorry =(

    #39 JackalAnubis, Dec 11, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2010

    Z0MBY JESUS Forerunner

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    damn this is good, im making a machinima i might even use this for a scene and give you credit coz this just looks so awesome.

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